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TV anchor returns to launch DVD version of her award-winning series

Mr. Andrew Dobson (President of the Bermuda Audubon Society) presenting an 'EnviroShorts' DVD to Mrs. Lisa Siese, Science and Social Studies Coordinator at Somerset Primary School with P6 students.

FORMER Bermuda Broadcasting Company TV anchor Sangita Iyer is back on island to help launch the DVD version of her award-winning television series EnviroShorts.

Thirteen 30-minute episodes cover a wide range of topics including open spaces, invasive plants and animals, turtles, caves, mangroves, sewage and water, native and endemic plants, animals, waste disposal, pollution, global warming, alternative energy, farming and fishing, coral reefs, sea grass and sustainable development.

Schools and environmental organisations around the island received copies to help with educational and awareness activities, and the three-disk box set is now available to the public.

In partnership with the Bermuda Audubon Society, the special launch will be held tomorrow at the Bermuda Aquarium and Zoo gift shop from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Members of the public will be able to purchase their own DVD and Ms Iyer will be on hand to sign copies.

"There has been a huge interest from the public in the TV series with requests to get hold of the DVD," Andrew Dobson, president of the Bermuda Audubon Society, said.

"Our aim was to give copies of the DVD to all the schools on the island. This has now been done and we made sure that we also produced enough copies to sell to interested members of the public.

"These are now available and I hope people will come to the Aquarium on Saturday to buy a copy. The Audubon Society is aiming to get the environmental message to as many segments of Bermuda's population as possible. The response from schools has been terrific, with many classes already using episodes from the series in their lessons."

The DVDs are on sale for $30 at many outlets on the island.

For further information, email infoaudubon.bm.