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DVD documentary series ‘Bermuda Nature’s Jewel’ could soon be in schools

Environmental message: Images from the cover of the ?Bermuda Nature?s Jewel? DVD documentary series from the Bermuda Environmental Alliance. The DVDs are being considered for distribution to schools as an educational aid.

School children on the Island could soon benefit from the launch of six environmental documentary DVDs filmed in Bermuda.The documentaries, four of which have previously featured in an abridged mini-series on Discovery Channel Canada, were created by the Bermuda Environmental Alliance (BEA).Sets of the DVDs are being considered for distribution to schools on the Island as an educational learning aid.Two of the shows have never been seen before one covers the wonders of Cooper’s Island nature reserve and the other looks at problems and solutions associated with trash disposal.The other four documentaries, featuring rainwater catchment, Bermuda’s caves, the cahow and biodiesel from sea algae, have previously been aired on VSB TV.BEA founding director Sangita Iyer is delighted at the prospect of the documentaries being used as educational aids in schools.“I hope to tour the middle and secondary schools in October and connect with young Bermudians to try and inspire them to become more engaged in environmental issues,” she said.“Our aim is to connect the students to Bermuda’s unique ecosystems and eco-heroes like Jeremy Madeiros and Dr David Wingate, so students may be inspired to follow their footsteps and become engaged in protecting the Island’s natural treasures.”BEA director David Ezekiel said: “The DVDs maintain the high standard of the five-minute shorts which aired on Discovery Channel Canada.“The ‘Slash the Trash’ animated video is a brilliant departure which works wonderfully and is rightfully receiving acclaim from all who see it.”The BEA is holding a gala, ‘A Caribbean Night for Planet Earth’, on October 13 at the Fairmont Hamilton. It will launch the ‘Bermuda Nature’s Jewel’ DVD series at that event.Among the guests of honour will be Governor Sir Richard Gozney and Lady Gozney and Discovery Channel Canada president Paul Lewis.Mr Ezekiel said: “The gala is not just a fundraiser but gives our supporters a chance to learn a bit more about what we do in an enjoyable environment. It also gives us a chance to showcase some local talent and to recognise many of our sponsors and volunteers.“The presence of the Governor and Discovery Channel president Paul Lewis is a wonderful plus for the BEA. We expect a big increase on last year’s banquet, which speaks volumes for our supporters in the midst of a difficult economic climate.”Explaining the Caribbean theme, Ms Iyer said: “Island nations are very much impacted by global climate change. We are already seeing drastic weather patterns such as intense hurricanes and storm surges.”She said that although Bermuda is not in the Caribbean it has strong links to the region, adding: “The food and music [at the gala] will absolutely reflect the culture, and our feature documentary the ‘Cooper’s Island Nature Reserve’ will establish the environmental connection.”Mr Ezekiel is confident the BEA, whose mission is to create awareness of environmental issues through education and global exchange of information by using visual and social media, will continue to thrive.He said: “I am extremely proud of how far the BEA has come in a short period, and it’s taken a lot of hard work from the board, our advisory council headed by Phil Butterfield, our volunteers, and the unrelenting drive and passion of our executive director Sangita Iyer.“It, however, starts anew each day and we continually challenge ourselves to attract supporters who see the value in what the BEA is trying to do.”l Further details on the gala are available from carol.johnson[AT]marsh.com. The BEA’s website is http://bermuda-bea.org