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Small, high-end resort for Hawkins Island gets green light

New lease of life: Hawkins Island, as viewed from above on Google Maps, is set to host a small, high-end resort.

A small, exclusive holiday resort to be built on Hawkins Island has been given planning approval.The high-end resort will feature fewer than 30 beds, but include beach spa buildings, beachside cabanas, a restaurant and nature trails.The application by William Cox, whose family trust owns the island, states that the project will be created in three phases over the course of several years.Mr Cox said yesterday: “We are pleased to have worked with the Department of Planning and the Department of Conservation Services, and we look forward to improving the Bermuda tourism product.”Asked when the project might break ground, he said that the time frame for the development was still being reviewed.Phase one of the project includes converting the existing guard house into a lodging for four visitors, the construction of two guest villas, each containing two units, and a guest services and activity centre, along with cabanas and spa facilities.Phase two will add four additional guest units and event catering facilities, while the final phase will turn the guard house into a check-in area and add additional guest suites, a restaurant and a swimming pool.Earlier plans had also included tennis courts, but the courts were dropped after conservationists expressed concern that they would encroach on Bermuda Cedars.And while one resident of a nearby island submitted an objection to the proposal, expressing concern about noise, developers responded that because of the small size of the resort, the noise levels would be lower than that of party cruises that used to visit Hawkins Island.Colin Cambell, Regional Director of OMB International, last year compared the project to Necker Island, owned by celebrity billionaire Richard BransonThat island in the British Virgin Islands serves as a luxurious private resort and can be rented out for a group of 28 at a cost of $53,000 a night.