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Always have a plan in case something goes wrong

The winners of the 2013 Junior Open Pairs at the Bridge Club are David Petty and Kathleen Keane who put together two solid 61% sessions to come from second place and just pip the first round leaders Linda Abend and Noula Contibas.Shooting up the field to finish in third place with a great 65.18% second session were Martha Ferguson and Stephen Smith, with Geoff and Kath Bell finishing in fourth and Joan and Ron Ross in fifth.Congratulations to all these pairs. It was a large tough field and the winners, David and Kathleen, showed remarkable consistency over the two sessions and were duly rewarded. Well done.This week’s hand is a terrific lesson in preparation by a Declarer, following the advice that when everything looks rosy one must look for what can go wrong.Declarer succeeded in a contract that no one else in the room made.Board 3. E/W Vul. Dealer South.S 1086H Q6D Q10764C 964S 4 S 532H KJ93 H 87542D AK83 D J952C J1082 C 3S AKQJ97H A10D NoneC AKQ75WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH2CPass 2D Pass 2SPass 4S Pass 6SPass Pass PassWest led the diamond Ace and Declarer did what declarers should do planned his play at trick one.If clubs were 3-2 and trumps 2-2 there were 13 easy tricks and if clubs were 3-2 and trumps were 3-1 or 4-0 there were 12 easy tricks.Even if clubs were 4-1 and trumps were 2-2 there were 12 easy tricks, so what could go wrong?Clubs could be 4-1 and trumps not 2-2 , that’s what.Declarer realised that he couldn’t do anything if that was the case and East held the 4 clubs. But, what if West held the 4 clubs?Declarer had a plan.He ruffed the first diamond with the Ace of trumps, cashed the Club Ace, crossed to dummy by overtaking the seven of spades with the eight and led a club.East was caught in a trap. If he ruffed, the club suit would be good and Declarer could draw the last trump, run clubs throwing a heart and ruff his losing heart in dummy.So, East, clearly a good player, discarded a heart. Declarer won, crosses to the spade 10 and again led a club from dummy.East again discarded, declarer won, ruffed a club in dummy, ruffed a diamond back to hand, drew trumps and claimed twelve tricks. Six trumps, a heart, four clubs and a club ruff.Good bidding and great declarer play.Please note that the Mixed Pairs event at the Club , previously scheduled for April 3rd and 5th, will now be held on May 1st and 3rd.

North -SouthMonday, Mar 4Afternoon1 Greta Marshall-Elysa Burland2 Judy Bussell-Stephanie Kyme3 Jackie Swan-Bea WilliamsEvening1 Gordon Bussell-Rachael Gosling2 Pat Hayward-Nea Willits4 Judy King-Julia Lunn4 Peter Donnellan-Linda PollettTuesday, Mar 51 Barb & Pat Cerra2 Mary Leigh Burnett-Elizabeth Caulfield3 George Cerreia-David SchleitWednesday, Mar 61 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith2 Peter Donnellan-Lynanne Bolton3 Lyn O'Neill-Louise Rodger4 Elysa Burland-Elizabeth McKeeThursday, Mar 71 Paul Thompson-Ellen Davidson2 Dianna Kempe-Danielle Coutier3 James & Marsha FraserFriday, Mar 81 Russ & Dee Craft2 Joe Wakefield-Tony Saunders3 Alan Douglas-Ian HarveyCompiled by Julia LunnEast -WestMonday, Mar 4Afternoon1 Margaret Kirk-Lorna Anderson2 Magda Farag-Sheena Rayner3 Bill Tucker-Alan DouglasTuesday, Mar 51 Linda Abend-Noula Contibas2 Kathy Keane-David Petty3 Kath & Geoff BellWednesday, Mar 61 Donna Leitch-Katrina Van Pelt2 Magda Farag-Sheena Rayner3 Judy King-Aida Bostelmann4 Julia Lunn-Pat HaywardThursday, Mar 71/ 2 Charles Pearman-Lorna Anderson1/ 2 Andy Carne-Irene Chew3 Des & Tracy Nash