Pitman’s 40 years in the Regiment recognised
Created: Jun 04, 2013 08:00 AM (Updated: Jun 04, 2013 08:01 AM)
Long service: Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley (second from right) with (from left) outgoing Regiment Commanding Officer Col Brian Gonsalves, WO2 Bernard Pitman and Bermuda Regiment Director of Music, Dwight Robinson.
A long serving member of the Bermuda Regiment was recognised by Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley for 40 years of service.During his career WO2 Bernard Pitman has served under five Band Masters and five Directors of Music, as well as 12 Commanding Officers. And his time in service has taken him across to the world to Hong Kong, Switzerland, Hawaii, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and several other countries.A spokesperson said: “He has served as a stellar ambassador for the Regiment and for Bermuda overall, and Minister Dunkley publicly thanked Mr Pitman for his sterling service over the past four decades.”Mr Pitman is due to retire later this year on his 65th birthday.