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Bean: Gay marriage aimed at upending civilisation

Opposition Leader Marc Bean

Progressive Labour Party leader Marc Bean believes that homosexuality is a choice, and that the purpose of gay marriage is to turn “civilisation upside down”.Speaking on television last night, Mr Bean said that he felt same-sex marriage would further the ongoing destruction and attack on the family unit.However, the PLP leader did say that he believed same-sex marriage would ultimately be approved in Bermuda, a situation he termed “unfortunate”.In an interview with ‘Issues’ host Richard Smith, on the Seventh-Day Adventist TV station Channel 80, Mr Bean said that the gay rights agenda presented an attack on life itself.“Historically if you look at the gay rights agenda, at who created it and who financed it, then you will recognise that its purpose is to turn civilisation upside down and upon its head,” he said.Asked if he saw same-sex marriage ultimately being approved in Bermuda, Mr Bean replied: “Personally? Unfortunately, yes.”Mr Bean said it wouldn’t be accurate to say the PLP had a “special position”, in response to Mr Smith’s question on where the PLP stood.He pointed out that MPs had been instructed to vote with their conscience in the recent parliamentary debate over the Human Rights Act Amendment — “with the caveat that you go and canvass as many of your constituents as possible”.The bill was approved by a majority across both sides, Mr Bean said, adding that he and five others had dissented: Derrick Burgess, Wayne Furbert, Dennis Lister, Michael Weeks and Zane DeSilva.Asked for his own opinion on same-sex marriage, Mr Bean maintained that it and the “agenda of same-sex marriage” represented “an attack on the foundation of civilisation and on life itself, and that’s the family unit”.He also told Mr Smith he personally believed homosexuality was a choice. “It’s clear is that it [being gay] has a psychological component, meaning that man has made his choice,” he said.The Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda released the following statement today: “We agree with Marc Bean's assessment that same-sex marriage is inevitable in Bermuda, but reject all heterosexist assertions that such an event will cause moral disruption. The PLP has not yet arrived at a party position. The official position of the current Government was clarified a few weeks ago by Premier Craig Cannonier, who has stated that marriage equality will not be pursued while he is in power. Premier Cannonier's leadership is not permanent, and Bermuda will continue to take steps towards equity for all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation.“Bermuda has a long way to go in addressing the heterosexist and sometimes homophobic attitudes displayed in reaction to the recent Human Rights Act Amendment, which will remain a cause that the Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda will campaign for through education and outreach. The Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda will continue its focus to provide safe spaces for the LGBTQ community members and allies.”