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MAWI sewage smell upsets neighbours

Residents in the Devon Springs Road area of Devonshire are raising a stink over foul odours coming from the Mid Atlantic Wellness Institute.

“The problem needs to be addressed”, said one neighbour.

“It stinks. The facility needs to treat their waste properly so it isn’t affecting residents.”

It is not known how long the problem has been affecting residents, but last night the Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) assured residents the problem was being tackled.

“BHB is currently addressing the issue of sewage odour, which should dissipate within 24 hours following a chemical treatment,” a spokeswoman said.

“We apologise to MWI neighbours who have been impacted and we will continue to monitor the situation. Facilities have implemented a preventive maintenance process utilising the chemical treatment which will significantly reduce odour in the future.”