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Government offices open tomorrow

The Causeway will remain open to one lane traffic in a partial area of the bridge

All Government Offices will be open tomorrow as Bermuda gets back to work after Hurricane Gonzalo.

A 6pm update from the Emergency Measures Organisation stated that ferries had resumed regular service while buses would resume a partial service starting at around 9am tomorrow.

The following routes will be in effect: Routes 10 and 11 to and from Hamilton to St. George’s, and Routes 7 and 8 from Hamilton to Hitching Post layby, just short of Somerset Bridge.

As an important note to West End commuters, due to road restrictions near Fort Scaur, minibuses are being sought to assist West End commuters in getting to the Hitching Post layby.

Meanwhile the Causeway will remain open to one lane traffic in a partial area of the bridge.

The full reopening of two lane traffic will be advised once repairs have been completed to the damaged portions of the bridge.

The Bermuda Regiment remains under partial embodiment. Soldiers will continue the task of assisting with clean-up and repair efforts in various locations around the Island as well as helping residents who have sustained infrastructure damage during Hurricane Gonzalo.

West End garbage collection will resume tomorrow.

For those private lanes or streets that are partially impassable, residents are encouraged to bring their refuse near the main road.

The Tyne’s Bay public residential waste drop off area will be open through Friday from 7am to 7pm. Marsh Folly Dump will be open from 7.30am to 6.30pm until Wednesday.

All dumping fees will be waived for the remainder of the week.

Government will continue to provide tarpaulin from Warwick Camp from 8am to 8pm.