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Philip listed among PLP’s Drum Majors

Ira Philip

The Progressive Labour Party recognised six Bermudians yesterday for their service to the community by presenting them with the PLP 2015 Drum Major Awards.

PLP Leader Marc Bean said: “The PLP’s Drum Major Awards are given to individuals who have given of themselves to a cause greater than themselves: the betterment of our community. The individuals chosen have demonstrated a level of commitment and sacrifice that few have matched, but many can and should aspire to. We commend our Drum Majors and thank them for all they have done for Bermuda.”

The award recipients are Helena “Molly” Burgess, Belinda Cyrus, Maynard Dill, Ira Philip, Sherri Simmons and Ann Webb.

The Drum Major Awards were established in 1989 to recognise persons or organisations in the community for their unselfish service. The criteria for selection is that the awardees must have made a positive contribution to the community and in the lives of others through his or her field of endeavour through volunteering or other achievements that inspire.