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Smith expects players to hit ground running

Next generation: Smith watches as Phoenix Bowers sends down his left-arm deliveries during an Easter Clinic at West Pembroke school. Also pictured are Jonah Trott and Jermal Proctor (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

The start of the cricket season next weekend combined with training outdoors at the National Sports Centre should help boost the national team’s training programme.

Clay Smith, the Bermuda coach, has seen a new enthusiasm among the players as the new season approaches, and he expects those training with the national team for the last couple of months to have a head start when the Twenty20 competition gets under way.

“Now that football is coming to an end we have seen the numbers in our training sessions improve over the last couple of weeks,” Smith said. “We are just starting to go outdoors on North Field and that is going to be our base for training.

“We’re going to be doing all our work at the National Sports Centre on the field, and in the gym, and we’re very pleased to have access to such a good facility. That will motivate players to come, knowing that they have a profession environment to train in. I’ve been quite happy with the numbers that we’ve had, there have been some changes to the squad but I’ll leave that for the executives to make the announcement.”

Some players have been removed after not showing enough interest, while others have removed themselves because of other commitments. Smith is excited to have the likes of Terryn Fray and Greg Maybury back from school and training regularly, while Tre Manders, who returns to England next week, has also been out at the sessions.

“OJ Pitcher is one we’re glad to have out, he hasn’t played a 50-over game for Bermuda for some time and we’re expecting some good things from him,” Smith said. “There are a group of youngsters who have been training hard and I tell them it is not about names but producing out in the middle where it counts most.

“Terryn has finished school and is back home and has been one of the most regular trainers that we’ve had, him and Greg Maybury who is back from England now. Greg may have missed one session.

“These guys are putting in the work and leading by example. Tre has been training since he has been back and we’re happy with what we’ve seen. We have a good core of players and hopefully two or three youngsters will push for a spot as well.”

Added Smith: “I think the West Indies [victory in the World T20] helped to spruce the guys up and motivate them a little more, plus the new season is just one week away now. Now, because we’re so close to the season, guys are that much more geared up because they have done a lot of work and as the coach I’m looking for good things from them.

“I, along with others, will be watching a lot of cricket this year. We’ve done a lot of work indoors but in about a month’s time we’ll have access to the North Field wicket as well.

They should be a step above some of the other players who are just starting to train, getting themselves ready for the season.”

Smith will carry a heavy burden this season as he finds time to coach his club team, Cleveland County.

“It’s been tough, they’ve had a couple of sessions with the assistant coach Courtney Trott, but I have put forward a structured training session so things are in place for them,” said Smith, who was hoping to pick up Dion Stovell from Southampton Rangers. Instead, Stovell opted to join St David’s.

“Last year Cleveland came third and someone of Dion’s stature who can bat and bowl, that could have been the recipe for a first league title,” Smith said. “We respect his decision and have to move on.”