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Advisory group to help police

Reaching out: Stephen Corbishley, the Commissioner of Police, said the Bermuda Police Service will create an Independent Advisory Group to be consulted by police (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Police launched a hunt yesterday for people to join an advisory group to be set up to improve service to the public.

Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley said reputable and committed people from different backgrounds were needed for the Independent Advisory Group.

Mr Corbishley added: “The only way that the BPS will become a great service is by having community members involved and talking to us in how we shape our services.”

He said: “The advisory group seeks to bring together volunteers from different backgrounds, different groups, particularly hard-to-reach groups, to sit down with us and advise us in the way in which we deliver our policing on a day-to-day basis.”

Mr Corbishley added: “The type of policing that we deliver is not one size fits all. It should be responsive to the needs of different people whether it be seniors, young people or hard-to-reach groups, the gay lesbian transgender communities and other parties.”

Mr Corbishley said he hoped that the IAG would give people confidence that the police understand their needs and advise police on how to demonstrate transparency.

He added: “When significant incidents take place, an advisory group is extremely valuable for the police to be able to understand and hear the concerns of the local communities and to respond.”

Mr Corbishley said some people had already said they wanted to join the advisory group, but more were needed.

It is expected up to about 20 people will form the group and the first meeting will be in March.

For more information, visit www.bermudapolice.bm.