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Apply for the Duperreault Fellowship

Dayla Burgess (Photograph supplied)

The Duperreault Fellowship, an endowment fund that supports the professional development of Bermuda residents working or studying in the field of substance abuse invites applications for 2019.

Applications for the 2019 Fellowship are due the last day of this month- April 30th 2019. Applications can be obtained online from this link below:

• http://duperreaultfellowship.org/how-to-apply.html

Duperreault Fellowship Chair Katherine Watson stated, “I encourage individuals involved in alcohol and drug treatment to apply for funding to further your skills as you help us heal”

2018 Duperreault Fellow Dayla Burgess a graduate of CedarBridge Academy, is a Registered Allied Health Professional and Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counsellor. She holds a Master’s degree from the University of Southern California, a bachelor of science degree in sociology from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida; an associate’s degree from Valencia College, Orlando, Florida; and an associate’s degree in social work from George Brown College, Toronto, Canada. “Being awarded the Duperreault Fellowship allowed me to further connect with my community by debunking the stigma attached to chemical dependency and spread much needed community awareness. I am proud to say I will participate in the graduation commencement ceremonies in May with a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work from the University Of Southern California (USC). I encourage my colleagues in the field exploring their own professional development to apply now”. Ms. Burgess is currently employed at the Women’s Treatment Centre where she provides direct services.

The Duperreault Fellowship was established in 2004 when a $500,000 donation contributed by insurance industry veteran Brian Duperreault and his wife, Nancy, was supported by a $1 million donation from The ACE (now Chubb) Foundation.

More information about The Duperreault Fellowship is available at www.duperreaultfellowship.org.

Press release from the Duperreault Fellowship