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British urologist to address men’s concerns

Start the conversation: Jonathan Makanjuola, a British consultant urological surgeon, will host a weeklong clinic on men’s wellness at the Northshore Medical and Aesthetics Centre alongside general practitioner Jeff MacLeod (Photograph supplied)

A British urologist will visit the island this month to help a Devonshire-based medical centre deal with men’s intimate health concerns.

Jonathan Makanjuola, a consultant urological surgeon, will join Jeff MacLeod, of Northshore Medical and Aesthetic Centre, to treat men with erectile dysfunction.

Dr Makanjuola said that he hoped to boost knowledge of the importance of men’s health.

He added: “It’s our time now — men have been neglected for too long in the healthcare system.

“Whereas women are taught to be proactive in seeking help for health conditions or concerns, men often ignore problems hoping they will go away.

“In reality, if untreated these illnesses can get worse.”

Dr Makanjuola said: “We’re calling on men to be brave and confident in starting the conversation with their doctor or healthcare provider.”

The clinic will also give men the chance to seek help for other problems, such as hair loss or skin conditions.

The two doctors will also hold a live video conference on the NMAC’s Facebook page to answer any questions on men’s health.

Dr Makanjuola held his first erectile problem clinic on the island in February last year and treated 15 patients in “just a few days”.

He said that he did not expect to treat as many because he feared that men would be too embarrassed to admit they had problems.

Dr Makanjuola added: “We were able to help those individuals improve their lives, health and relationships.”

Dr MacLeod, a general practitioner and sports medicine specialist at NMAC, said that erectile dysfunction was a “fairly common problem” in Bermuda.

He added that treatment required a “multidisciplinary approach” and added that it could be a symptom of other medical conditions.

Dr MacLeod said: “What many people don’t realise is there is a link between erectile dysfunction and hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

“There is also a strong correlation between ED and heart disease, which is why we encourage men to be proactive about coming in to see a doctor and getting treated.”

Dr Makanjuola and Dr MacLeod will see patients from September 21 to 25.

The Facebook livestream will be held on September 22 at 1pm. For more information visit www.nmac.bm or call the Northshore Medical and Aesthetic Centre at 293-5476

Jeff MacLeod, a sports medicine specialist, will join British urologist Jonathan Makanjuola in hosting a weeklong clinic on men’s wellness at the Northshore Medical and Aesthetics Centre (Photograph supplied)