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Clarien Bank donates to Meals on Wheels

Helping charity: Michael DeCouto, Clarien’s Chief Digital & Marketing Officer, left; Jason Powell, Meals on Wheels’ vice-president; and Ian Truran, Clarien’s CEO.

A donation of $15,000 has been made by Clarien Bank to Meals on Wheels.

The money was raised through Clarien’s 13th Holiday GiveBack Campaign, which in the past ten years has raised more than $100,000 for the charity,

Michael DeCouto, Clarien’s chief digital and marketing officer, said: “It’s our honour to start off this new year, and new decade, by making a sizeable donation to Meals on Wheels. Clarien has been a long standing partner of this incredible charity and understand the important role they play in our community.

“As more and more families and individuals are struggling to feed themselves on a regular basis, Meals on Wheels is just one of the dedicated organisations working with those in our community who are most in need.”

Peter Smith, Meals on Wheels’ president, said: “We would like to express our sincere thanks for the support that Clarien offers every year to those in our community who are unable to prepare a meal on their own. During 2019, we saw a steady increase in those coming to us for meals and it is noticeable that the cost of supplying meals to those who can’t afford to pay is now almost $150,000.

“The funds so generously donated and matched by Clarien go towards making it possible for us to waive fees for this growing number of needy individuals.”

Meals on Wheels prepares between 200 and 220 meals to people in need, four days a week, delivering them to their home. Clients are the homebound, disabled and elderly of the community. According to Mr Smith, Bermuda’s increasing senior population was reflected in those who come to the charity for help, with over 50 per cent of meal recipients being over 80 years old and two thirds of recipients having a chronic illness.

He encouraged the community to continue to support the charity through financial donations, and even more importantly by volunteering their time throughout 2020. “Every day we serve a meal we need 45 volunteers — we just can’t do it without you,” he said. “The charity sector is struggling to address the increase in need against the shrinking pool of volunteers and charitable dollars, so any help is greatly appreciated.”

For more information about The Clarien Foundation, visit www.clarienbank.com