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Chamber webinar focuses on cybersecurity

Privacy and security: the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce is hosting a webinar on privacy and security considerations for business in the post Covid-19 environment next week (File photograph)

A webinar on privacy and security considerations for business in the post Covid-19 environment is being hosted by the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce.

Attendees will receive updates on the National Cybersecurity Strategy, information on the continued security risks of working remotely and between the office and home, details on what privacy means to your business.

The session open to members and non members, and will be held at via the online platform Zoom on July 7 from noon to 1.30pm.

It will be moderated by Marisa Stones, of the Bermuda Government. The panellists will include members of the Cybersecurity Governance Board: Ronnie Viera, chief operating officer at First Atlantic Commerce; Alexander White, privacy commissioner; Brett Henshilwood, Deloitte partner; and Stuart Daniels, security manager from the Government.

Kendaree Burgess, chief executive of the Chamber of Commerce, said: “In working with the new normal, it is important to keep updated on the changing privacy and security risks to your and your businesses.

“Our panel of experts will be provide you and your team with the tools you need to navigate through this ever-changing space.”

Registration is $25 for Chamber members and $35 for non-members, and can be purchased in advance from the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce.

For more information and to register e-mail tcminors@bcc.bm or visit www.bermudachamber.bm