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Powell: The Spot needs youthful energy

Popular eatery: The Spot restaurant is on sale (Photograph by Google)

The Spot restaurant can continue its role as a Hamilton institution, but it needs youthful energy and ideas to carry it forward.

Owner Thomas “Ted” Powell has put the Burnaby Street business up for sale. It has been closed since mid-March due to restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The popular eatery was established in 1945 by Arthur Foote, and has been run by Mr Powell since 1971.

“There are not many individuals who have been in the trade for so long,” Mr Powell said.

“With the closing [in March] and the challenges of reopening with the virus situation, I’m looking for someone younger and with youthful energy to get involved.”

He said the restaurant was in an ideal location, and while it has its challenges it is well-known and has a loyal following.

Mr Powell said running The Spot for 50 years had meant “blood, sweat and tears,” but added: “The greatest pleasure I derived is taking care of the public and making sure customers are happy, and a lot of that goes down to the staff who deserve praise.”

He said the restaurant offers many options for a future owner.

“It is going to take a lot of youthful energy to get it going, but there are people clamouring for hot club sandwiches.”

Mr Powell said he was sure The Spot would carry on.

Anyone interested in buying Spot Restaurant Ltd should e-mail to spot.restaurant@yahoo.com or call 292-0962 between 9.30am and 12.30pm