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Greenrock chief joins Cross Island committee

Jonathan Starling, Greenrock Executive Director (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

The head of one of Bermuda’s leading environmental charities has agreed to join a committee tasked with helping to find a lasting use for nine acres of reclaimed land.

Jonathan Starling, the Executive Director of Greenrock, will sit on the Cross Island Legacy Committee as a full member.

In addition, a member of the ACBDA Legacy and Sustainability Committee will act as a liaison between that group and the Cross Island Legacy Committee, with an ex officio role to ensure the two groups are aligned.

Chairman Wayne Caines said: “During a stakeholder meeting hosted by the Cross Island Legacy Committee last month, local environmental groups including BEST and Greenrock advocated that an environmentalist should sit on the Cross Island Legacy Committee.

“While the environment is already a key factor on the matrix we are using to score ideas, we felt that it was important to listen to the feedback and act accordingly. We are very pleased that Mr Starling has agreed to take on this important role.

“We want the process of identifying potential projects for Cross Island to be a community-wide project.”

The West End Development Corporation (Wedco) brought in Deloitte to support the Cross Island Committee’s consultation and decision-making over the future of Cross Island, the home to the America’s Cup event village next year.

The committee is appealing to people to submit ideas which will be judged according to a set matrix and recommendations will be made to Wedco

The committee wants to be in a position to make a recommendation even though there might be the possibility that Bermuda could again host the America’s Cup. People can submit their ideas via this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9W6Q2MG. The deadline is July 31.

Mr Starling said he was glad the committee had reached out.

“Too many people pay lip service to the environment and sustainability issues. It is a welcome sign that the Cross Island Legacy Committee not only has environment issues as part of its matrix but has also proactively reached out to an organisation such as Greenrock.

“I’d like to thank BEST for raising the importance of having environmental representation on the committee, and the Committee themselves for acting on that recommendation. I look forward to contributing where I am able.”