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Hotel hands out hot meals to first responders

Service with a smile: Kristian Baboolal, restaurant manager of with the skeleton crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, hands out a meal to essential services personnel yesterday as part of its special drive-through meal programme (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Hundreds of meals were handed out to frontline workers by a hotel as a token of appreciation for their efforts.

Healthcare staff and emergency service employees were among the people who collected a total of almost 750 breakfasts and lunches from the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club over the weekend.

A spokeswoman for the resort explained: “The skeleton crew ... are hosting, until May 2, a special drive-through meal programme for frontline hospital workers, first responders and the Royal Bermuda Regiment, who have been invited since Friday to enjoy delicious, freshly made to-go breakfasts and lunches as the hotel’s way of expressing its gratitude for all the hard work and efforts of these dedicated individuals.

“Items have included egg and cheese burritos and muffins, BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, grilled salmon and fried chicken with mac and cheese.

“Assistance for this project was gratefully received from Butterfield & Vallis.”

Hotel staff and essential workers were pictured wearing face masks as they handed out and collected meals yesterday lunchtime, when Sparky, the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service mascot, also made an appearance.

Tim Morrison, the general manager, said: “Hamilton Princess & Beach Club is proud to support those on the front lines during this difficult time and to show our gratitude for their tireless dedication.

“We hope that by providing nourishing meals twice a day for those who work so hard to keep us all safe, we can make their days a little better and brighter.”

The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club host a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
Kristian Baboolal, restaurant manager with The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, hosts a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club host a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club host a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club host a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club host a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club host a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
Kristian Baboolal, restaurant manager with The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, hosts a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
Sparky and his fellow firefighters at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club as they host a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
Kristian Baboolal, restaurant manager with The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, hosts a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
Kristian Baboolal, restaurant manager with The Skeleton Crew at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, hosts a special drive-through meal programme for all frontline workers (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)