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Mock breath test plan praised

A driver takes a breath test (File photograph)

An antiracism charity today praised the decision to conduct “mock sobriety tests” at Horseshoe Bay over the holiday weekend.

A spokeswoman for Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda said the measure, the brainchild of the Bermuda Road Safety Council, was a demonstration of restorative justice in action.

She added: “It is proactive and works with the community to educate and inform them on blood alcohol limits, whilst also being preventative.

“The council is to be commended for designing and launching this creative initiative.

“These kinds of restorative intervention programs provide outlets, especially for young people and students, to make them more aware and hopefully help them think twice about drinking and driving and the risks they are taking.”

The BRSC said that the tests will start today at 5pm.

Members of the public will be able to take a breath test to check if they unfit to drive or ride.

The CURB spokeswoman said: “This ‘blow and know’ helps keep people safe whilst educating them on what their body can tolerate before it becomes too much.

“It is exciting to see restorative practices becoming more widespread in our community and to see social agencies, the Bermuda Police Service and Corrections move in the direction of restorative justice.”