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Weatherman to speak at virtual climate summit

Weather summit: Mark Guishard, the director of the Bermuda Weather Service (File photograph)

The director of the Bermuda Weather Service will be a virtual panellist at an extreme weather summit today.

Mark Guishard was invited to speak at the Atlantic International Research Centre’s All-Atlantic Summit after he met a senior member of the organisation’s last year.

Dr Guishard said the discussion “will be about extreme weather and resilience — something Bermuda knows a little about, as highlighted by our two storm impacts just last month”.

The Air Centre was set up to combine expertise in space, climate, ocean and energy in the Atlantic, backed by technological innovations.

Dr Guishard added: “I am pleased and honoured to join esteemed colleagues with expertise in research, forecasting and climate from the meteorological services of Portugal and South Africa, the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change and former academic advisers and colleagues from Penn State University.”

Bermuda presenters from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences will also be featured at the event.

For more information, visit https://allatlanticsummit2020.org/