A message of hope
No matter what trial or challenge it is that you are facing, God will see you through it.
That’s one of the messages from Don’t Give Up, a three-day convention hosted this weekend by the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The Christian denomination is hoping those feeling discouraged or lost will attend the free event, and leave with hope for a brighter future.
Organiser Brandon Doars tells us more about today’s gathering.
Q: What is the theme of this year’s convention?
A: The theme of our 2017 convention is Don’t Give Up. It is based on the Apostle Paul’s words of encouragement, found in Galatians 6: 9. The Bible says: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” That will be the focus of our convention this weekend, held at the Ruth Seaton James Auditorium for the Performing Arts. It started yesterday and [ends tomorrow]. Every day the programme starts at 9.20am.
Q: What can people who attend expect?
A: As has been the case with previous conventions, attendees can expect three full days of practical Bible instruction presented through talks, symposiums, interviews [and] video segments as well as a three-part video drama. This varied form of presentation has wide appeal, especially for those with children or who find it difficult to sit for extended periods of time, as each individual part is not of long duration. As a result, many attendees have commented that the sessions seem to “fly by” and that they felt “refreshed” afterward.
Q: Will there be anything different or unique happening this year?
A: Since 2014, our conventions have made increasing use of visual media as a teaching tool, and this year is no exception. More video segments have been added and this, no doubt, will reinforce the spoken word and serve as a memory aid. The Ruth Seaton James Auditorium is an excellent venue for this, as it has a giant overhead screen that is visible from any vantage point in the auditorium. Overflow seating will also be provided for the convenience of our attendees. Large video monitors will be set up in these areas, ensuring that none of the programme is missed.
Q: For those who haven’t been, what’s the benefit of a conference like this?
A: For those who haven’t yet experienced one of our conventions, please don’t miss this one! It will be an experience that will not quickly be forgotten. Some of the benefits include: relevant and practical Bible instruction; a comfortable learning environment; and wholesome and uplifting association. I have personally had the privilege of attending each convention held in Bermuda since 1977. Owing to Bermuda’s small size, the atmosphere can be likened to that of a large family reunion. There is ample opportunity to renew friendships as well as make new ones.
Q: What will the various presentations be about?
A: As our theme indicates, each part of the message will build on the Bible’s encouragement: Don’t Give Up. Yesterday, the programme began with the chairman’s address entitled: We Must Not Give Up — Especially Now! In yesterday’s afternoon session, organisers featured part one, of a three-part video drama, entitled: Remember the Wife of Lot. [She disobeyed God’s command and became a pillar of salt.] This drama will continue on Saturday afternoon, and conclude on Sunday afternoon. On Saturday morning we have a four-part symposium entitled: How Jehovah Supplies Endurance and Comfort. This upbuilding part of the event will be of particular benefit to the weak and depressed, those in material need, the fatherless and older ones. The highlight of the Sunday programme will be the public Bible discourse entitled, Never Give Up Hope!
Q: What is the overall goal? What do you want people to take away or learn from this event?
A: The objective of the Don’t Give Up convention is to convey the Bible’s message of hope in a better world under the rule of God’s promised kingdom arrangement, which will bring relief and true justice for all lovers of righteousness. I hope all who attend will see why the quality of endurance is essential to facing the complex challenges of the world we live in, and how to cultivate and maintain it on a daily basis.
We are confident that all will leave our convention with a renewed sense of confidence in the future.
This weekend’s events are free of charge. No collection is taken and all are welcome