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KTC schools you in the Spirit

School of the Spirit: Madeline Hayward serves as the full-time pastor of First Church of God Angle Street, Hamilton (Photograph submitted)

The Reverend Madeline Hayward is still learning despite having years of experience and education under her belt.

Dr Hayward serves as the full-time pastor of First Church of God Angle Street, a position she has held since 2012.

However, recently she decided to return to school and pursue a master’s in ministry through the Koinonia Training Centre.

“I have been seeking to study and get a degree in biblical studies and had looked at a few schools. I did not want to do math or English as part of the programme. I wanted just Bible.”

“I heard about KTC through friends. I went to a couple of classes just to see what they were teaching. One class I went to, the teacher was Tim Hamon, the president of their affiliate school, Christian International School of Theology.

“After Dr Hamon’s teaching, I knew that I wanted to pursue my degree in ministry and theology at KTC. This was what I was looking for, as the teaching was sound doctrine.”

“The educational experience is a non-pressured environment. The course of study is to equip, build and learn what the Bible teaches.

Dr Hayward added: “It is strictly Word-oriented, and the teaching is amazing.

“It has strengthened my faith in that it gives me the desire to want to study and learn and pray more and helps me to move in my prophetic gift.”

Dr Hayward has already been in ministry for several years, having been ordained as a minister in 2007.

Over the duration of her career she has received several designations, including an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from the CICA International University and Seminary in Houston, Texas.

The decision to continue her education at this stage was due entirely to her personal desire to be fully equipped for a life of service. “I must be about my Father’s business, to do the work of an evangelist, for obedience is better than sacrifice. I must do the will of God who called me.

“My aim is always to reach forth to the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I love the Lord with all my heart, and I love to worship and praise.

“I love and desire a closer intimacy with the Lord daily, and constantly in the ‘School of the Spirit’.”

God willing, Dr Hayward will complete her master’s programme and graduate in May 2021. She explains that her experience thus far with the Koinonia Training Centre has been incredible and highly recommends them as a flexible educational option for others who may have an interest in biblical studies.

“If you want to grow and if you are seeking the things of the Spirit, well, this is the school for you, believe me, you will not be disappointed. There are three options available for attendance — as an audit, as a guest or as a degree student.”

“I managed to continue my studies without any problem during the pandemic, as we had the Zoom classes, and it felt like I was still sitting in a classroom with the teacher and the other students. The month of May was the end of the school term, breaking for the summer, and classes will resume September 2020.”

KTC was founded by the Reverend Conway Simmons and Joan Simmons in January 2014, and their focus is to develop godly relationships according to biblical standards. The school offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees, through Christian International School of Theology.

Anyone that may be interested more information about Koinonia Training Centre or pursuing biblical studies can contact Joan Simmons at joansimmons319@gmail.com