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Greenrock: Young Reporters for Environment

This year at Greenrock we have piloted our latest educational programme, Young Reporters for the Environment. YRE is a programme of the Foundation for Environmental Education, an international environmental education body of which Greenrock is the Bermuda representative. The aim of YRE is to teach journalism skills while empowering students to take a stand on the environment.

Students from 11 - 21 years of age are invited to investigate an environmental issue that concerns them, research the topic and propose solutions based on their research.

Working as an individual or a group, they then present that information in either a written article, a video story or a photo story.

While YRE can be run as a programme, it is our intention to run the programme as a national competition next year. This will give students the opportunity to compete against students in other countries in their chosen medium and age grouping.

The ultimate hope is that by students participating in Young Reporters for the Environment, and learning about the environmental issue and its proposed solution, students are able to encourage the public and leaders of the community to act in the best interest of the Earth.

It is also our hope that the YRE programme will inspire the next generation of journalists.