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contained incorrect information. The Pembroke Community Club hosted the benefit for boxer and trainer Gary (Doc) Smith. Family member Elbert Richardson was not included in the photograph. Devonshire Colts F.C., Boulevard F.C., St. Monica's Mission, Friswell's Hill United, and Kenneth and Brenda Richardson were also part of the organising committee.

Helping hand: Family and friends of boxer and trainer Gary (Doc) Smith came together in November to raise funds for his care. More than $3,000 was raised at a banquet hosted by Health Minister Nelson Bascome. From left, LeRoy Dowling, Winnifred Smith, stepson Kimo Richardson, Brenda Rowling, Mr. Smith, Ileys Morton, Noella Raynor, and Bermuda Boxing Association president Supt.

Vic Richmond. Mr. Smith assisted in training Policemen for fights in Peabody, Mass., which also honoured him.