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Chamber forms communications division

Kyle Masters: to head the Chamber of Commerce’s new electronic communications division

The island’s Chamber of Commerce has formed a new division aimed at boosting the telecoms industry.

Kyle Masters, legal and regulatory counsel with Digicel and BTC is chairman of the electronic communications division, with Edgar Dill, general manager of Link Bermuda as deputy chairman.

Mr Masters said: “While individual businesses within a sector will always maintain healthy competition between each other, there are times when collaboration and unified action are better for the country and end users as a whole.

“For example, the electronic communications division provides a forum for unified response to detrimental customer moves such as large licence fee increases and for co-operation on planning and infrastructure development with clear benefits across cost efficiencies and the environment.”

The majority of telecoms licence holders have already signed up for the new division and any others are invited to become members as well.

Kendaree Burgess, executive director at the chamber, said: “Telecommunications is a competitive and growing industry in Bermuda, delivering services that affect almost every resident and all businesses across the country.

“We are confident that Kyle Masters and the expert team comprising the electronic communications division will be very effective in securing progress for the benefit of all.”