How will you vote in the upcoming General Election.
- OBA (48%, 1,785 Votes)
- Abstaining (18%, 675 Votes)
- Independent (17%, 640 Votes)
- PLP (15%, 553 Votes)
- FDM (3%, 103 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,756
Do you support the amendments to Pati, introducing a fee and restricting a request to 100 hours of time?
- No (80%, 2,364 Votes)
- Yes (13%, 387 Votes)
- No opinion (7%, 198 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,949
How do you think the government should handle the repurposing of the Bermudiana Hotel project?
- Rent the units as affordable housing to Bermudians (42%, 1,254 Votes)
- Sell the property to a private business/developer (28%, 845 Votes)
- Rent the units as proposed for fair market value (19%, 579 Votes)
- Sell the units as condominiums (11%, 323 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,001
Do you believe government incentives for the redevelopment of the Southampton Princess property are in the best interest of Bermudians?
- No (66%, 1,400 Votes)
- Yes (22%, 461 Votes)
- Maybe (13%, 272 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,133
Would you support a smoking ban?
- Yes (immediately) (55%, 2,509 Votes)
- No (27%, 1,220 Votes)
- Yes (but in phases) (19%, 864 Votes)
Total Voters: 4,593
Public wishlist of new year’s resolutions for the Bermuda Government?
- Fix the roads (45%, 2,646 Votes)
- Pay down on national debt (27%, 1,579 Votes)
- Call an election (14%, 801 Votes)
- Balance the budget (11%, 613 Votes)
- Get a handle on teen runaways (2%, 95 Votes)
- Televise House of Assembly (2%, 94 Votes)
Total Voters: 5,828
Your thoughts on Throne Speech 2023?
- Meh! (35%, 662 Votes)
- Lacking substance (29%, 544 Votes)
- Disappointing (28%, 519 Votes)
- Serving the people (5%, 87 Votes)
- Very inspirational (4%, 73 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,885
In the wake of the confidence-draining cyberattack on government services, when will David Burt now call the next General Election?
- Sometime in 2025 (56%, 1,099 Votes)
- Before Bermuda Day 2024 (May 24) (23%, 444 Votes)
- July 31, 2024 (13%, 264 Votes)
- Before Remembrance Day (Nov 13) (8%, 163 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,970
Do you think the Economic Development Strategy will be a success?
- No (71%, 1,125 Votes)
- Need more information (23%, 363 Votes)
- Yes (5%, 86 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,574
Is a free press important to Bermuda?
- Yes (95%, 2,287 Votes)
- No (5%, 132 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,419
What eligibility changes should come into effect after the Bermuda Half-Marathon Derby controversy?
- Bermudian winner/Non-resident winner (34%, 810 Votes)
- Allcomers (30%, 704 Votes)
- Bermudians and residents only (22%, 527 Votes)
- Leave unchanged (9%, 201 Votes)
- Bermudians only (5%, 115 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,357
What should happen to the Fairmont Southampton SDO?
- Approve, but reduce the scale of buildings (33%, 786 Votes)
- Approve (24%, 565 Votes)
- Reject completely and scrap 2009 SDO (21%, 509 Votes)
- Reject and continue with 2009 SDO (18%, 427 Votes)
- Don’t know (5%, 112 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,399
Should taxi fares be increased?
- No (37%, 573 Votes)
- Yes, but let Uber in (31%, 482 Votes)
- Yes, but by no more than 5% (15%, 229 Votes)
- Yes (10%, 157 Votes)
- Don't know (6%, 98 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,539
What do you think of the licence fees for short-term holiday rentals?
- Any fee is too high (47%, 554 Votes)
- Too high (29%, 345 Votes)
- About right (10%, 120 Votes)
- Don't know (9%, 107 Votes)
- Too low (4%, 50 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,176
Do you agree that Belco should compensate its neighbours for its alleged air pollution?
- Strongly agree (72%, 843 Votes)
- Agree (16%, 186 Votes)
- Don't Know (5%, 61 Votes)
- Disagree (5%, 58 Votes)
- Strongly disagree (3%, 31 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,179
What did you think of the Bermuda Government Budget?
- Strongly disapprove (41%, 578 Votes)
- Disapprove (28%, 401 Votes)
- Undecided (24%, 337 Votes)
- Approve (4%, 62 Votes)
- Strongly approve (3%, 38 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,416
Do you support tougher penalties to reduce dog attacks?
- Yes (90%, 1,186 Votes)
- No (6%, 76 Votes)
- Don't Know (4%, 52 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,314
What is your new year's resolution?
- To exercise more (24%, 298 Votes)
- To eat healthier (20%, 252 Votes)
- To take time for me (18%, 227 Votes)
- To spend more time with friends and family (12%, 145 Votes)
- To be kinder to others (9%, 113 Votes)
- To give more to others (4%, 54 Votes)
- To stop drinking (4%, 48 Votes)
- To work harder (3%, 37 Votes)
- To give up drugs (3%, 31 Votes)
- To stop smoking (2%, 28 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,233
Where should the medical waste incinerator be located?
- Tynes Bay (39%, 635 Votes)
- King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (22%, 359 Votes)
- Southside (21%, 353 Votes)
- A Wedco/Dockyard property (9%, 140 Votes)
- Another light industrial area (6%, 98 Votes)
- Mid Atlantic Wellness Centre (2%, 35 Votes)
- Mills Creek (2%, 26 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,646
Where have you experienced the biggest cost rise?
- Food (74%, 1,411 Votes)
- Electricity (12%, 237 Votes)
- Travel (4%, 85 Votes)
- Health (4%, 81 Votes)
- Accommodation (4%, 80 Votes)
- Household goods (1%, 14 Votes)
- Local transport (0%, 6 Votes)
- Education (0%, 3 Votes)
- Clothing (0%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,919
Do you support or oppose Independence for Bermuda?
- Strongly oppose (73%, 1,176 Votes)
- Oppose (13%, 209 Votes)
- Strongly support (5%, 76 Votes)
- Undecided (4%, 72 Votes)
- Support (4%, 68 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,601
Who do you think should be leader of the Progressive Labour Party and therefore Premier?
- Curtis Dickinson (87%, 4,310 Votes)
- David Burt (7%, 359 Votes)
- Another PLP politician (5%, 260 Votes)
Total Voters: 4,929
Did you watch the Queen's funeral:
- All of it (46%, 698 Votes)
- Parts of it (34%, 514 Votes)
- None of it (20%, 309 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,521
What is the best means of increasing Bermuda's working population?
- Ease immigration requirements (60%, 788 Votes)
- Economic growth (15%, 201 Votes)
- Encourage return of Bermudian emigrants (11%, 149 Votes)
- Extend the retirement age (7%, 88 Votes)
- Change labour policies (6%, 85 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,311
Are you in favour of same sex marriage in Bermuda?
- Strongly support (48%, 1,028 Votes)
- Strongly oppose (21%, 439 Votes)
- Support (17%, 361 Votes)
- Oppose (9%, 194 Votes)
- Don't Know/Unsure (5%, 115 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,137
How are you spending your summer vacation?
- What summer vacation? (51%, 736 Votes)
- Staycation (18%, 263 Votes)
- Visiting friends and family abroad (14%, 206 Votes)
- Flying to a destination/hotel (13%, 183 Votes)
- Taking a cruise (4%, 56 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,444
What is the Cup Match result going to be?
- Somerset win (52%, 368 Votes)
- St George's win (31%, 220 Votes)
- Draw (17%, 121 Votes)
Total Voters: 709
Do Bermuda banks need to be more closely regulated?
- Yes (71%, 1,146 Votes)
- No (20%, 318 Votes)
- Don't Know (9%, 142 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,606
Are the events for Bermuda to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee ...
- Not enough (57%, 858 Votes)
- Just about right (19%, 291 Votes)
- Enough, but we could be doing more (14%, 208 Votes)
- Too much (11%, 160 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,517
What is the best way to improve road safety?
- Tougher penalties for breaking driving rules (35%, 233 Votes)
- Enforce speed limit (28%, 189 Votes)
- More speed traps (11%, 74 Votes)
- Reduce size of motorbike engines (11%, 71 Votes)
- More training for licences (7%, 45 Votes)
- More speed bumps, rumble strips (5%, 37 Votes)
- More public awareness campaigns (4%, 26 Votes)
Total Voters: 675
Do you support the tax concessions for Fairmont Southampton?
- No (68%, 405 Votes)
- Yes (21%, 125 Votes)
- Don't know (11%, 67 Votes)
Total Voters: 597
Should Bermuda continue with Bermuda Travel Authorisations for Covid-19?
- No and open the doors to all travelers (51%, 1,097 Votes)
- No, but only allow vaccinated visitors (38%, 818 Votes)
- Yes (10%, 207 Votes)
- Don’t Know (2%, 42 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,164
Should Britain agree to sign the Cannabis Licensing Act into law?
- No (61%, 678 Votes)
- Yes (31%, 348 Votes)
- Don't know (7%, 80 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,106
Should the Bermuda Government take over the Corporations of Hamilton and St George's?
- No (86%, 798 Votes)
- Yes (9%, 87 Votes)
- Don't know (5%, 43 Votes)
Total Voters: 928
Who should be Bermuda’s Minister of Finance?
- Curtis Dickinson (73%, 765 Votes)
- Anthony Richardson (7%, 74 Votes)
- David Burt (4%, 43 Votes)
- Vance Campbell (4%, 42 Votes)
- Wayne Furbert (4%, 41 Votes)
- Kim Wilson (3%, 36 Votes)
- Crystal Caesar (3%, 31 Votes)
- Jason Hayward (2%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,048
What should be the top priority in the Budget on February 25?
- Economic growth (51%, 583 Votes)
- Deficit reduction (15%, 178 Votes)
- Education (7%, 81 Votes)
- Tourism incentives (7%, 75 Votes)
- Lower taxes (6%, 74 Votes)
- Crime fighting (6%, 67 Votes)
- Reducing wealth inequity (3%, 40 Votes)
- Support for the needy (2%, 28 Votes)
- Health (2%, 26 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,152
What is your new year's resolution?
- To stop and smell the roses (21%, 270 Votes)
- To exercise more (19%, 248 Votes)
- To eat healthier (14%, 176 Votes)
- To spend more time with family and friends (11%, 147 Votes)
- To practise my faith more (11%, 141 Votes)
- To work harder and earn more money (10%, 129 Votes)
- To be kinder to those around me (8%, 107 Votes)
- To stop smoking (3%, 34 Votes)
- To stop drinking (2%, 27 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,279
What do you want for Christmas?
- A break from Covid-19 (36%, 366 Votes)
- A better economy (20%, 201 Votes)
- Time with family and friends (18%, 189 Votes)
- A break from crime (10%, 98 Votes)
- No road deaths (9%, 97 Votes)
- No more lockdowns (7%, 74 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,025
What should the Government's biggest priority be?
- Education (23%, 483 Votes)
- Crime (19%, 400 Votes)
- Jobs (14%, 293 Votes)
- Inflation (10%, 201 Votes)
- Health care (10%, 199 Votes)
- Tourism (9%, 181 Votes)
- Climate change (6%, 119 Votes)
- Ending racial disparity in wealth (4%, 90 Votes)
- Road safety (3%, 63 Votes)
- Housing (2%, 47 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,076
Should all terrain vehicles be allowed to conduct tours in public parks?
- Strongly disagree (63%, 937 Votes)
- Disagree (18%, 266 Votes)
- Agree (7%, 112 Votes)
- Strongly agree (6%, 84 Votes)
- Unconcerned (4%, 54 Votes)
- Don't know (3%, 41 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,494
Should the Bermuda Post Office be working with an online US retailer?
- Strongly disagree (40%, 393 Votes)
- Strongly agree (21%, 211 Votes)
- Disagree (13%, 125 Votes)
- Agree (10%, 103 Votes)
- Unconcerned (9%, 89 Votes)
- Don't know (7%, 66 Votes)
Total Voters: 987
Should health care workers be required to be vaccinated for Covid-19?
- Strongly Agree (76%, 1,456 Votes)
- Agree (10%, 183 Votes)
- Strongly Disagree (7%, 136 Votes)
- Disagree (5%, 87 Votes)
- Undecided (3%, 56 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,918
Should Bermuda add more social distancing restrictions to contain the Covid-19 outbreak?
- Yes, whatever it takes (49%, 908 Votes)
- Yes, some more restrictions are needed (22%, 413 Votes)
- No, roll back current restrictions (13%, 243 Votes)
- No, leave things as they are (12%, 230 Votes)
- Don't know (3%, 54 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,848
Do you agree with the Bermuda Industrial Union holding a strike over union decertification?
- Strongly disagree (71%, 650 Votes)
- Disagree (13%, 115 Votes)
- Strongly agree (7%, 67 Votes)
- Not Sure (3%, 31 Votes)
- No opinion (3%, 30 Votes)
- Agree (3%, 26 Votes)
Total Voters: 919
Are bus drivers justified in going on strike?
- No, definitely not (57%, 522 Votes)
- No (25%, 231 Votes)
- Don't know (7%, 61 Votes)
- Yes, totally justified (5%, 50 Votes)
- Maybe (5%, 43 Votes)
- Yes (2%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 923
Should social distancing restrictions be tightened to contain the spread of the Delta variant?
- Strongly agree (52%, 466 Votes)
- Agree (22%, 200 Votes)
- Strongly disagree (12%, 106 Votes)
- Disagree (11%, 97 Votes)
- Don't know (4%, 35 Votes)
Total Voters: 904
How should Bermuda celebrate Flora Duffy's gold medal?
- Rename a sports facility (21%, 281 Votes)
- One-off Public Holiday (19%, 260 Votes)
- Establish a sports scholarship in her name (17%, 226 Votes)
- Hold a parade (14%, 192 Votes)
- Recognise Flora, but also other great athletes of the past (11%, 143 Votes)
- Rename a road or public place (10%, 135 Votes)
- Increase funding for elite athletes (8%, 105 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,342
Who will win Cup Match this year?
- Somerset (43%, 288 Votes)
- St George's (34%, 230 Votes)
- Draw (23%, 155 Votes)
Total Voters: 673
Are you satisfied with Government's recent handling of the Covid-19 pandemic?
- Satisfied (27%, 180 Votes)
- Very satisfied (22%, 143 Votes)
- Very unsatisfied (22%, 142 Votes)
- Unsatisfied (16%, 104 Votes)
- Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (12%, 79 Votes)
- Don't know (1%, 9 Votes)
Total Voters: 657
Should SafeKey requirements have been relaxed for league cricket matches?
- Strongly disagree (40%, 360 Votes)
- Disagree (25%, 223 Votes)
- Strongly Agree (17%, 158 Votes)
- Agree (9%, 82 Votes)
- Don't know (9%, 82 Votes)
Total Voters: 905
Should historic home Wantley be restored or demolished?
- Fully restored regardless of the cost (36%, 334 Votes)
- Demolished (31%, 288 Votes)
- At least the facade and verandah should be saved (22%, 206 Votes)
- Don't know (11%, 105 Votes)
Total Voters: 933
Should the hotel quarantine for non-immunised travellers go ahead on Sunday, June 13?
- Strongly Agree (40%, 214 Votes)
- Strongly disagree (28%, 149 Votes)
- Agree (19%, 104 Votes)
- Disagree (7%, 37 Votes)
- Not Sure (6%, 34 Votes)
Total Voters: 538
How do you plan to spend Bermuda Day?
- Just chillin' at home (44%, 222 Votes)
- Just chillin' with friends and family (15%, 78 Votes)
- On a boat (10%, 53 Votes)
- Running/watching the race (10%, 50 Votes)
- DIY/Spring cleaning (8%, 41 Votes)
- At the beach (8%, 40 Votes)
- Watching the parade on TV (4%, 22 Votes)
- At the mini parade (0%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 508
Should 12- to 15-year-olds be vaccinated for Covid-19?
- Strongly Agree (46%, 639 Votes)
- Strongly Disagree (18%, 247 Votes)
- Agree (17%, 242 Votes)
- Not Sure (12%, 162 Votes)
- Disagree (7%, 94 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,384
Should non-immunised travelers should be quarantined in a separate facility for 14 days at their own expense?
- Strongly agree (43%, 454 Votes)
- Strongly disagree (22%, 230 Votes)
- Agree (20%, 214 Votes)
- Disagree (10%, 102 Votes)
- Don’t know (4%, 46 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,046
Have you had the Covid-19 vaccination? If not do you intend to get it?
- Yes I am vaccinated (78%, 1,596 Votes)
- No, I do not plan to get it at this time (13%, 272 Votes)
- No, but I have registered for it (4%, 92 Votes)
- No, but I will be registering (2%, 49 Votes)
- No I am unable to have it for medical reasons (2%, 38 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,047
Do you agree schools should begin the summer term with distance learning?
- Strongly agree (46%, 306 Votes)
- Agree (22%, 145 Votes)
- Strongly disagree (14%, 92 Votes)
- Disagree (11%, 72 Votes)
- Don't know (7%, 47 Votes)
Total Voters: 662
Do you agree with the increased restrictions as a result of the increase in Covid-19 cases?
- Strongly Agree (57%, 881 Votes)
- Agree (20%, 306 Votes)
- Strongly Disagree (10%, 161 Votes)
- Disagree (10%, 148 Votes)
- Don't Know (4%, 61 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,557
Do you support the Government Budget?
- Strongly oppose (29%, 116 Votes)
- Don't Know (28%, 110 Votes)
- Somewhat support (17%, 67 Votes)
- Somewhat oppose (15%, 61 Votes)
- Strongly support (11%, 42 Votes)
Total Voters: 396
Are you in favour of the new cannabis licensing law?
- No (54%, 750 Votes)
- Yes (27%, 380 Votes)
- Not sure (18%, 252 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,382
Are you planning to travel out of Bermuda in the next six months?
- No - it's a Bermuda staycation for me (30%, 512 Votes)
- Yes - when do I get my vaccination? (30%, 510 Votes)
- Maybe - but I want to be sure it is safe first (22%, 367 Votes)
- Probably - but I don't want to have to quarantine (14%, 245 Votes)
- Not sure - first I need to put some money away (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,692
Will you be taking a Covid-19 vaccine when it becomes available?
- If it's good enough for Dr Fauci, it's good enough for me, so yes (55%, 647 Votes)
- I will when I am satisfied that there are no major side effects, so maybe (29%, 334 Votes)
- No one is putting a needle in my arm, so no. (12%, 137 Votes)
- I have allergies, so I am not sure. (5%, 53 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,171
Do you agree with government's proposal to close eight primary schools?
- Yes, it will save money and allow better use of resources (41%, 483 Votes)
- No, smaller schools are better for teaching and are vital neighbourhood institutions (32%, 376 Votes)
- No, some schools should be closed but 8 are too many (26%, 306 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,165
Do you agree with introducing a curfew and the other Covid-19 containment measures?
- Yes, they are needed now and are just right (46%, 274 Votes)
- No, we need to be much stricter to stop the rise in cases (40%, 240 Votes)
- No, they are causing too much pain (13%, 75 Votes)
- Don't know (2%, 9 Votes)
Total Voters: 598
Are you happy to see the new air terminal open?
- Yes, we need a modern terminal (67%, 575 Votes)
- Yes, but it should be owned by Bermuda (24%, 203 Votes)
- No, the old terminal was fine (7%, 64 Votes)
- Don't Know (2%, 15 Votes)
Total Voters: 857
Was Government right to loan Fairmont Southampton workers their redundancy payments?
- No, it is between the hotel and the staff and their unions (48%, 419 Votes)
- Yes, but only if there had been an agreement with Gencom (34%, 293 Votes)
- Yes, it was the right thing to do (15%, 130 Votes)
- Don't know (3%, 27 Votes)
Total Voters: 869
Should Bermuda impose stricter Covid-19 rules?
- Strongly agree (34%, 220 Votes)
- Agree (30%, 194 Votes)
- Disagree (14%, 89 Votes)
- Not sure (11%, 72 Votes)
- Strongly disagree (11%, 68 Votes)
Total Voters: 643
Who should David Burt put forward to fill the void in the Senate?
- Renee Webb (41%, 536 Votes)
- Ernest Peets (24%, 317 Votes)
- Davida Morris (13%, 164 Votes)
- Lauren Hayward-Bell (11%, 147 Votes)
- Alexa Lightbourne (11%, 146 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,310
"Where is institutional racism in Bermuda most prevalent?"
- Employment opportunities (39%, 123 Votes)
- Criminal justice system (20%, 63 Votes)
- Income (17%, 55 Votes)
- Education (15%, 49 Votes)
- Housing (7%, 21 Votes)
- Healthcare (2%, 7 Votes)
Total Voters: 318