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‘Jemmy’ Darrell honoured

Melody maker: Jade Minors plays a solo during the 202nd Annual Commemorative Service of King’s Pilot James “Jemmy” Darrell

The annual service commemorating the life and achievements of Bermudian pilot James “Jemmy” Darrell took place on Saturday.

Mr Darrell piloted the 74-gun HMS Resolution safely to its moorings near Tobacco Bay in 1795 while still a slave and the ship’s admiral was so impressed with his piloting skills that he recommended he be freed.

He became one of the first to be made King’s Pilot and was the first free man of colour to own his own house in Bermuda. Once freed, Mr Darrell challenged laws that imposed restrictions on free blacks and slaves. He also petitioned against plans that would see a drop in income for King’s Pilots. He died aged 66 in 1815 and his property, located on Aunt Peggy’s Lane, still remains in family hands.

A small crowd gathered for the service at St Peter’s Graveyard, which was organised by the Vestry and The Friends of St Peter’s Church, the Pilot Warden and the Branch of Pilots of Bermuda.

As part of this year’s service, two local gigs, the Jemmy Darrell and the Harry Fox, raced in St George’s Harbour after the ceremony. Harry Fox won, despite calls from the crowd to encourage Jemmy Darrell.

Remembering bravery: sea cadet Kevin Sunga stands to attention next to Pilot James “Jemmy” Darrell’s grave marker (Photograph by Akil Simmons)
Jade Minors plays a solo during the 202nd Annual Commemorative Service of Kings Pilot James Jemmy Darrell at the St Peter’s Church Graveyard, St George’s, Saturday (Photograph by Akil Simmons)
202nd Annual Commemorative Service of Kings Pilot James Jemmy Darrell at the St Peter’s Church Graveyard, St George’s, Saturday. from left, Rev’d Dr. Erskine Simmons and Canon W David Raths (Photograph by Akil Simmons)
Quick, march: sea cadets make their way to St Peter’s Church graveyard
Crowds gather for the 202nd Annual Commemorative Service of King’s Pilot James Jemmy Darrell at the St Peter’s Church graveyard