PLP celebrates 50th anniversary
Special to RG
By Ira for Nov 16, 13
The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party continuing the celebration of its founding 50 years ago as the country’s first political party, cited 50 grassroots members at a Golden Jubilee Honorary Dinner a week ago.
The so-called ‘first fifty’were treated to a sit-down knife and fork cassava pie dinner, served bythe Official Opposition Leader and Party Leader party leader himself Hon. Marc Bean, his wife, party chairman J. Maynard Dill, and otther recently electedd new-breed and veteran Cenral Committee members.
Both leader Bean and chairman Dill stressed “we are grateful to all our members and supporters over the past 50 years, for their efforts, commitment and dedication. Without them the PLP would not have enjoyed the longevity and accomplished what it has.”
Continuing, they said, as with all organizations there were those ‘grassroots members’ who for various reasons merit special mention. Brief summaries of their contributions were given (their names appear below) as they were called forward to be pinned by the leader and wife, with specially crafted gold plated 50th anniversary buttons, together with a symbol of the lamp of wisdom for the men and a flower for the ladies.
Special recognition was given to former PLP Premiers in attendance, Hon. Paula A. Cox and Hon Alex Scott. There was an audio visual presentation with music and action that was akin to election promos seemingly calculated to underscore contention by Leader Marc, that the PLP is geared for a return to government.
Following in alphabetical order as the namess of ‘the PLP’first fifty honorees:
Ms. Shirlene Bascome Ms. Ianthia Butler, JP , Mrs. Candice Burrows, Mr. Roderick Burchall, Mrs. Lilly-Mae Bulford JP,, Mr. Walter Byron, Mr. Reginald Chase, Mr. Wenthworth Christopher, Mr. Michael Cox JP, Mrs. Belinda Cyrus JP, , Mr. Carmon Cyrus JP, Mr. Richard Daniels JP, Mrs. Marion DeJean, Mr. Raymond DeShields.
Also: Ms. Valerie Dill JP, Mr. Cecil Durham JP, Mr. Stephen Emery, Ms. Marie Franklin JP, Mr. Victor Fishington JP, Mrs. Shirley Foster, Ms. Laverne Furbert JP, Miss. Lynell Furbert JP, Mrs. Betty Gilbert, Ms. Betty-Jean Gilbert, Mr. Earl Hart JP, Mr. Randolph Hayward, Mrs. Brennell Henry, Ms. Elizabeth Isaac, Mr. Gregory Jacobs JP, Mrs. Barbara Johnston, Mr. Quinton Johnston, Mr. Dilton Lightbourn, Mrs. Marion Lister, Ms. Gina Lister, Ms. Helen Mateen, Mrs. Rosland O’Brien, Mrs. Grace Outerbridge, Mr. Eugene Phillips, Mr. Ira Philip JP, Mr. Clyde Philpott, Ms. Marie Richards JP, Ms. Gwendolyn Robinson JP, Mrs. Viola Rogers, Mr. Herbert Russell JP, Ms. Elsie Shaw, Ms. Dawn Simmons JP, Mrs. Edwena Smith, Mr. Clifford Stevens, Mrs. Inez Stevens, Mrs. Paula Tucker, Mrs. Dorothea Tucker, Mr. Carlton Tyrell, Ms. Sharon Tyrell, Mr. Neville Tyrrell JP, Mr. Lloyd Van Putten JP, Mrs. Cheryl Wade, Miss. Ann Webb JP and Mr. Glenn Woods JP.
CAPTIONS FOR4 plp pics:
ABOVE--Shows a setting at the BIU for the PLP’s 50th Anniversary Honorary Celebration Dinner for the party’s First Fifty Stalwarts cited, ‘this time around’ as Party Leader, Hon Marc Bean noted. Marc and his wife pinned two specially crafted Golden Jubilee symbols on each of the honorees. Above Mrs. Edwina Smith was doublblely honored with flowers, being the only one of four surviving widows of the seven PLP Founders. Other survivors were visited at their residences and presented their symbols by Executive Maurita Thompson. Recipients were Mrs Edith (Ryo) Richardson, Mrs Winifred (Walter) Robinson and Mrs. Marion (Eddie) DeJean.
ABOVE--Veteran Central Committe members blended with newly el ected executives in serving the First Fifty and their guests.
Also signally honoured and given a standing was Mrs. Brunnel Henry, the sole surviving member of the original Central Committe. She was accompanied by daughters LenNeane Henry, Dawn Simmons, Karen Burchall, Pennylope Henry and Care-giver Linda. Sharing their table was former Premier Hon. Paula Cox.--photos by Ira Philip.