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America’s Cup boost for boatyards’ business

Shipshape: the Bermuda Marine Supply and Services boat yard on Pembroke’s Pitts Bay Road, one of the island yards experiencing a boom as owners get their boats spruced up for the America’s Cup (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Boat yards are experiencing a boom as owners race to get their vessels shipshape in time for the America’s Cup.

Yard owners said they were buoyant after an sharp increase in business as May’s starting point for the finals of the international competition looms on the horizon.

Kareem Johnson, co-owner of West End Yachts in Dockyard, the nerve centre of the America’s Cup, said: “It’s a matter of trying to get all of the local boats in and sorted out early this year.

“Usually people don’t think about their boats until May, but the America’s Cup starts in May.

“All the new interest in boating is good also, but we have to deal with what’s here already.”

Mr Johnson added that boats that had not been in the water in recent years due to domestic spending cutbacks due to the recession were also making a return.

He said: “Boats that haven’t been hauled because of cash or whatever, there are a lot more of those being done this year and there are more of the larger projects — major engine refit, that sort of thing.

“People are definitely spending a bit more money than in previous years.”

Lyle Douglas, sales manager at Marine Locker, the parent of Bermuda Marine Supply & Services on Pembroke’s Pitts Bay Road, agreed.

Mr Douglas said: “We have definitely seen an uptick in business.

“Everything has been moved up earlier. Anyone who has a boat wants it in the water during the America’s Cup and if you call anyone in May, that will be difficult.”

He added: “There’s even the possibility that people might want to sell them. Bermuda has never seen so many activities on the water as we will over the next few months.

“Everybody wants access to the water. It’s going to be awesome.”

And Mr Douglas added: “Anyone who has any skills marine-wise is going to be able to find work and that’s very positive.”

Damian Payne, a veteran sailor and manager of Rance’s Boat Yard in Crow Lane, Paget, which only reopened in January under third-generation family owner Debbie Rance, said the yard was filling up and the slips were booked for the next two weeks.

He added: “I must admit we’re a bit further along than we thought we would have been.

“The bookings are coming in and we’re getting busy. We’re getting steady work, but I’m 100 per cent sure that because of the upcoming America’s Cup, people want their boats to look good and everybody with a boat will want to be out on the water for that.”