Richards defends cost of Rio trip
With the Bermuda Government spending under extra scrutiny during the Reply to the Budget debate, it was perhaps inevitable that the price tag for Sylvan Richards’ trip to the Olympics would come up on Friday night in the House of Assembly.
The former sports minister, now with the portfolio of Environment and Planning, told MPs that he had not been surprised to find reference in the Reply to “the $30,000 trips to Rio de Janeiro”.
The budget for the minister’s trip to the Olympics in August 2016 sparked outcry when it was revealed, and when Progressive Labour Party MP Zane DeSilva rose on Friday night to criticise the 2017-18 Budget’s line on the need to “pare back spending on social programmes”.
Mr Richards said he had “no problem” with the reproofs over the trip, adding: “I had to go as sports minister. If I would not have gone, I would be subjected to a whole different round of criticism.”
The Hamilton South MP said he had networked with ministers from around the world and “supported our athletes at all the events I could humanly attend”.
“Some people had a problem with the cost. I get that. But I was appointed close to the time of the Olympics, so we didn’t have the advantage of shopping around for prices.
“I’ve had in my bag, for the last month or so, the figures for the 2012 contingent that went to London for the Olympics. That cost was $36,491.”
Mr DeSilva had defended the debt accumulated under the PLP’s time in government, listing projects from FutureCare to low income housing and the National Aquatic Centre, telling the House: “That’s where our money went.”
Mr Richards said it was clear that “we all want what’s best for Bermuda — however, there are two very different and distinct philosophies on how to manage an economy”.
Accusing Mr DeSilva of being “proud of debt”, he turned to the Opposition’s Vision 2025 plan and told the House: “Nothing in here will happen until we service that debt.”