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Thank you for sharing your views

Venetta Symonds (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Dear Sir,

The Bermuda Hospitals Board would like to thank members of the public who participated in our Open Space event on February 2.

More than 90 people attended and took part in open, frank discussions on topics related to the theme of the night: “What can we do to get it right?”

There were no panels or formal presentations.

Participants suggested topics to discuss and small groups formed to delve deeper into the concerns raised. Thirteen topics emerged. They were:

1, Decrease the gap of mental health services in Bermuda

2, Open lines of communication to increase patient safety

3, Patient advocacy

4, Hospice care at home

5, Support for surrogates and biological parents during the birthing process

6, Pastoral care in the hospital

7, Create family-friendly hospital care

8, Radical nutrition, and art and music in hospital healthcare

9, More options and provisions in hospital elder care

10, Expand birthing options at the hospital

11, Clinical resources for people with Down’s syndrome

12, Inspiring students to pursue healthcare careers

13, Emergency room protocol for the chronically ill

A report with all the suggestions will be collated and circulated to all participants.

Our vision is to provide exceptional care and to form strong community partnerships to bring about healthy communities.

Thank you again, Bermuda, for sharing your views and your willingness to work with us on solutions to improve healthcare for our entire community.


Chief executive officer and president

Bermuda Hospitals Board