Seminar to focus on managing millennials
A seminar focused on attracting, managing and leading millennials in the workplace will be held next week.
The event aims to equip organisations and individuals with information on millennials, such as who they are, what they look for in employers and the challenges they face in today’s workplace.
The seminar is titled “Managing Millennials: The Millennial Perspective”, and will be hosted by Elevate Executive Selection on Tuesday.
Kimberley Caines, a professional who helps individuals and organisations develop their communication skills and strategic plans, will present the seminar.
In a statement, Elevate Executive Solutions said: “Beneficial to attendees will be the tangible action points highlighted, as well as take away skills and tips shared that organisations can use to engage millennials. The presentation will provide local commentary from millennials in different industries and involve an interactive discussion with those present on strategies they are using to engage millennials.”
The seminar is the first in a series aimed at employers, human resource professionals, managers and employees.
“Given that millennials will inherit the decisions made today, those who sit on boards, are in the public sector as well as the third sector are also invited to attend,” stated Elevate, which will offer follow up consultations on the topic to companies and organisations.
This seminar will be on November 8 at 5.30pm in the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club. Tickets are $85 available in advance by e-mailing Sylvia Jones on or calling 296 8663.