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Enjoy Super Bowl ‘blowout’ – Texan style

Are you ready to party? Smokin’ Barrel chef Dick Reno is hosting a Super Bowl “blowout” at the Mariner’s Club on Sunday. He promises an authentic Texas barbecue (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Super Bowl Sundays in Bermuda have been a little ho-hum for Texan Dick Reno.

He’s from Houston, where football fever is rampant.

“Out there, the Super Bowl is a big event almost as big as Christmas to some people,” he said. “Out there, all the bars have big parties. The people who are really into it might dress up in football jerseys and paint their faces in team colours. The atmosphere is very ramped up.

“Bermuda is a British colony so people aren’t into it quite as much. Although some bars are getting a bit more creative, most events involve being inside, sitting at a bar watching the game.”

He decided to do things differently this year. On Sunday he’s hosting a Super Bowl “blowout” at the Mariner’s Club.

The full-time chef at Smokin’ Barrel food truck promises authentic Texas barbecue, nachos with real cheese sauce, games and lots of beer.

“Everything starts at 2pm so people will be able to go outside and enjoy the weather, if it’s good,” he said.

“I’ve been trying different things ever since we relaunched the food truck last year. This event will be different because it will be a real event with games inside and outside.”

Mr Reno wanted to play football at high school in the United States, but things didn’t work out as planned.

“I went to a big high school and a lot of the other boys were really big,” he said. “When I saw them, I realised I wasn’t going to make the team. I hadn’t finished growing at that time and was still small.”

Cooking became his passion, but he has remained a football fan, particularly of the Houston Texans.

Unfortunately for him, the team hasn’t made the playoffs since it was formed eight years ago.

Mr Reno is backing the Denver Broncos on Sunday. He thinks quarterback Peyton Manning and his team have what it takes for a win against the Carolina Panthers.

The 39-year-old will be the oldest quarterback to start a Super Bowl. He was with the Indianapolis Colts when they won the 2007 Superbowl in Miami.

“I’d like to see him get his second ring before he retires,” said Mr Reno.

Aside from the game, he’s looking forward to the halftime show; Beyoncé and Coldplay will perform this year.

“I love making fun of the halftime show, or being wowed,” he said. “It is cool to see how it all comes together.”

He’s missed American football since he moved to Bermuda in 2012 but has consoled himself with rugby.

“I don’t think either sport is more manly than the other. They are completely different games. I love both of them.”

He’s expecting a good turnout at his party on Sunday. No reservations are required and entry is free. Super Bowl kick-off time is 7.30pm.

Catching football fever: Dick Reno has missed American football since moving to Bermuda (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)