God has transformed my mind and my thinking
Safiya Shirnel Dyer doesn’t like to be the centre of attention.
So although she said “yes” when invited to be a guest speaker at First Church of God on Angle Street, she had some doubts.
“On the inside I was thinking to myself, ‘What are you doing? You must be crazy!’”, she said. “I really don’t like the spotlight contrary to what many may think. However, when I’m asked to do something that represents God and my Saviour Jesus Christ and my comforter and guide the Holy Spirit, well it’s impossible to say ‘no’.”
Now that she’s had some time to process things, she’s feeling more optimistic about the message she’ll share at tomorrow’s event. “I’m excited,” the 37-year-old said. “I feel that God has an important message for our youth and adults alike on the topic of God’s truth.
“We hear so much nowadays about how this person feels and what society thinks, but only God’s truth and what He thinks really matters. Often as children, what others think about us shapes us in how we think about ourselves and eventually helps to mould us into what we become. It’s important for the young people to know what God thinks of them is far more important.”
Mrs Dyer is the daughter of the late pastor Ronald C.E. Smith. She was saved at an early age but at 16 decided to make a real commitment to God.
“I wanted to stop playing church,” she said. “I wanted something more. Although at that time in my life I was still struggling with sin and lust, I wanted God.”
Today she’s part of the church’s praise team and runs its media department. She works full-time as an educator at Victor Scott Primary. “As you can imagine I see a lot of the challenges and struggles that students face,” she said. “A major challenge is that children are not surrounded by positive influences. There is so much temptation to fit in and follow the crowd. It’s much easier to follow than to lead.
“Even from my own upbringing I can understand the desire of wanting to be liked. I wanted to be accepted. I wanted to go where all my friends where going and had times that I wanted to do what they were doing.”
Although she’d sometimes follow the crowd, her Christian upbringing and strong belief in God never let her stray too far from Him.
“I remember when my friends would be talking about going to Clay House or #1 Shed for a session and I would beg my parents even though I knew the answer was ‘no’”, she said. “Even school dances were an issue. Now, I’m grateful for the ‘noes’.
“My father and mother spoke life into me. They encouraged me daily to be the best me I could be. They reminded me that I not only represented myself, but also them, my family, my church and most importantly God.
“Part of what helped me overcome struggles was and is, having an awesome support system; having positive influences that matter in my life. Anyone can encourage you, but when you have people that you love encouraging you it makes more of an impact.”
God has changed her life a lot over the past 21 years.
“I used to be very judgmental and rank sin,” she said. “For example, the sin of murder was worse than the sin of a white lie. Then one day I realised that sin was sin in God’s eyes. All of us fall short and every single one of us needs the grace of Jesus.
“He has transformed my mind and my thinking. What I have found out about Him is that: He loves me unconditionally, He wants only what is best for me, He has everything in control, He’s faithful, trustworthy and simply good.”
When her father became ill, she trusted that God wouldn’t take him from her.
“When my dad died, it was a blow to my faith in God,” Mrs Dyer said. “I couldn’t believe that God would allow that to happen. However, losing my father and now spending more time with God has allowed my faith to grow and soar leaps and bounds. At first, yes, it was hard, but my relationship with God has grown more in the last six years than ever before.
“I have learnt to trust God even when I can’t see Him and I don’t know how things will turn out. I thought I had the best daddy ever — and in earthly terms, I did — but no one can ever compare to the daddy I’ve found in God.”
Mrs Dyer is hoping people who turn out for tomorrow’s service will make the choice to give their life over to God.
“He created you and has a specific purpose, plan and destiny for you. Find out what God says about you, don’t worry about the facts or opinions of others, get the truth.”
The service, entitled “Child Of God Sharing God’s Message”, will take place at 11am.