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Scott hopeful of Morgan's Point progress

Works Minister Alex Scott

Works and Engineering Minister Alex Scott said yesterday he expects "important progress" will be made in the next few months over the development of the Morgan's Point site in Southampton.

Government pulled the plug on plans by Morgan's Harbour Investment Limited to develop the former United States Naval annex into a golf, marina and residential development in 1999 because it claimed the proposals were "in limbo".

Another company, BEAM Ltd., led by Alan Burland of BCM McAlpine, was then given a 90 day exclusivity agreement, but that ran out in November 1999, and since then there has been no word of new developments.

Mr. Scott, who now has responsibility for Bermuda Land Development Company (BLDC) - which was set up to develop the former military baselands - said yesterday he was confident there would be developments soon.

The British government is in negotiations with the United States to try to persuade Washington to clean up the former base, which is essential before it can be developed.

Mr. Scott told The Royal Gazette he was encouraged by briefings he had received from BLDC and the former minister with responsibility for the site, Terry Lister, but he refused to disclose any details of any potential new developments.

He said: "I am encouraged by what I hear from the current chair of BLDC and the director and the briefings I received from the former minister makes me appreciate the need of working with the private sector in progressing plans.

"And I know that with what BLDC had in mind when we received a general briefing, I think we are going to make important progress over the next few months and years."

When asked if he had been in contact with developers, he said: "That's one thread that's for me to pick up.

"As the new minister I am trying to get abreast of where things are and where BLDC wants to take them.

"BLDC meets tomorrow and whether I can join them is up in the air. I would like to know where they are on initiatives before I make public utterances."