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Furbert explains thinking behind shuffle

Finance: Patricia Gordon Pamplin <I>(formerly held by Dr. Grant Gibbons).</I>An accountant with years of experience Patricia Gordon-Pamplin was singled out as someone who could hit the ground running in the tricky Finance brief. Mr. Furbert said: ?Pat Gordon-Pamplin has fought long and hard for the people of this country. She will now be in a position to ensure the public purse is always protected and the people?s interest will always be pursued.?

Finance: Patricia Gordon Pamplin (formerly held by Dr. Grant Gibbons).

An accountant with years of experience Patricia Gordon-Pamplin was singled out as someone who could hit the ground running in the tricky Finance brief. Mr. Furbert said: ?Pat Gordon-Pamplin has fought long and hard for the people of this country. She will now be in a position to ensure the public purse is always protected and the people?s interest will always be pursued.?

Home Affairs: Maxwell Burgess (formerly held by Michael Dunkley).

As a former Home Affairs Minister who has also held the Shadow brief it is not too much of surprise to see Maxwell Burgess back in the role even if the removal of Michael Dunkley from the post comes as a shock. Mr. Furbert said: ?He was minister, I believe, for about two years. He?s got all the experience I think we need.?

Tourism and Transport: David Dodwell (formerly held by Sen. Kim Swan and Jamahl Simmons).

After a stint heading up the UBP?s new Portfolio of Race and Economic Opportunity, The Reefs boss David Dodwell is back on his old beat of Tourism. Mr. Furbert denied Mr. Dodwell had been too low-key in his race role and said he had impeccable credentials on that issue. He said: ?He did an excellent job in his role in race and Economic opportunity. David understood whites have privilege.? But he said Mr. Dodwell?s expertise in Tourism needed to be fully utilised so that his party could start well when elected.

Housing: Senator Kim Swan (formerly held by Wayne Furbert).

Although tempted to keep the Housing brief, which the UBP has identified as one of the key battlegrounds of the election, Mr. Furbert eventually opted to give it to Kim Swan. He said: ?Many times Kim would call me when I was shadow minister and give me advice. He understands the plight of a lot people who want homes.? He said Sen. Swan had led the charge in St. George?s when Government decided to remove tenants from Anchorage Lane and revamp it for sale. ?He has a passion.?

Race and Economic Opportunity: Jamahl Simmons (formerly held by David Dodwell).

Although only elected in 2002 Jamahl Simmons has built up a solid reputation as a parliamentary performer speaking on Transport issues. His keen interest in spreading economic opportunity has been rewarded with promotion to a key post as the UBP?s bids to become the main party championing equality. Mr. Furbert said: ?He?s a young guy who understands the need for economic opportunity. He has a background in communications so I need him up and out there explaining the party?s position.?

Works, Engineering and Sports: Jon Brunson (formerly held by Patricia Gordon-Pamplin)

A newcomer who has not made a huge impact in parliament since being elected in 2003, Jon Brunson might seem a surprise choice to lead the Opposition?s charge in the heated area of Works and Engineering. However Mr. Furbert is confident Mr. Brunson can make the step up. ?He has a business background and I am sure he can carry our response. He?s a very enthusiastic type of gentleman ? he puts his whole heart into something.? Mr. Brunson will still speak on Sport while the other elements of that ministry, Youth and Community and Cultural Affairs, will be given to new UBP Sen. Sen. Gina Spence-Farmer.

Minister without Portfolio: Michael Dunkley (formerly held by Maxwell Burgess)

The removal of Michael Dunkley from his second spell holding the heavyweight Home Affairs brief to the role of Minister without Portfolio might seem like an obvious demotion but Mr. Furbert said the fiery Devonshire politician would play a key role as his deputy leader. ?He will be working very closely with me within the party organisation. Michael is a hard worker. When he grasps hold of something he doesn?t let go as we saw with the Bermuda Housing Corporation.?

Education: Neville Darrell.

There was no need to change the Education brief with Neville Darrell so established, said Mr. Furbert. The new UBP leader said: ?He?s grasped that education goes beyond just the local. We have to prepare people for global competition. He understands the idea of better training for teachers. He has been writing his philosophy of education for some time that I know people are buying into.?

Environment: Cole Simons

The UBP?s Environment spokesman has been in his post for years and Mr. Furbert has no intention of moving him, particularly now he is working in the Sustainable Development committee.

House leader and whip: John Barritt.

Strong organisational and debating skills have helped keep John Barritt in his post as House leader and whip. Mr. Furbert said Mr. Barritt was a brilliant lawyer. ?I welcome his guidance as whip.?

Health and Seniors: Louise Jackson

There were no thoughts of moving Louise Jackson from the Health and Seniors portfolio. ?I don?t believe anyone in Bermuda has fought harder for seniors than Louise Jackson. She has put Patrice Minors on the backfoot when it comes to issues like the Salvation Army.?

Legislative Affairs: Trevor Moniz

As one of only two lawyers in the Oppositions ranks Trevor Moniz was always in a good position to keep his job shadowing the Attorney General. Although Mr. Moniz might be relieved to shed the Telecommunications portfolio. Mr. Furbert said he had been happy with Mr. Moniz?s performance.

Technology: Sen. Bob Richards

As an accomplished Senate performer with Cabinet experience it was only a matter of time before Bob Richards was given a more important role. He picks up the Telecommunications brief from Trevor Moniz. Mr. Furbert said: ?He was the former Telecommunications Minister. That ministry has less focus. When Renee Webb was there, it was more active. Bob can put pressure on the minister and get things going.?

Youth and Community and Cultural Affairs: Gina Spence-Farmer

With her background at Bermuda College and running a youth talk show Gina Spence-Farmer was an obvious choice for Youth Affairs. Mr. Furbert said: ?There is no doubt Gina has significant experience with working with youth over the years and has an ability to communicate with the youth.?

Women?s Affairs and Child and Family Services: Suzanne Roberts-Holshouser.

After speaking on Women?s Affairs since her election as St. David?s MP in 2003 Mrs Robert-Holshouser has picked up Child and Family Services which is normally packaged with Health. Mr. Furbert said: ?I have asked her to take on child and family services because she has a passion for it.?