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Joaquin is new PS for Health and Family Services

The new Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Health and Family Services is welcoming the challenge of his new position.

Kenneth L. Joaquin said of his new appointment: ?It is always a challenge with something new, but I am looking forward to the move.?

He previously worked for the Ministry of Works and Engineering for two years before moving to the Accountant General?s Department where he has been for the past six years.

In July, 2002, he was appointed the head of that department as Accountant General.

?I have been really fortunate. I have been lucky to be at the right place at the right time. I have had great mentors who helped me grow through the service.?

Mr. Joaquin attended Saltus Grammar School, the University of Western Ontario and McGill University where he studied Political Science and Accounting.

He is married with two sons.

When asked what he does in his spare time he said: ?I raise my kids ? I don?t have spare time. My two-and-a- half-year-old is going on 23 and I have a five-month-old. See the bags under my eyes.?

Speaking of his new appointment he said: ?At this stage this is the biggest thing professionally that I have embarked on. I will have my hands full. I believe the Ministry of Health is awarded the largest expenditure (in the Budget) ? so it is a plate full of a Ministry.?

Asked about his professional goals, he said: ?Being ambitious beyond this plate would be premature.

?I hope to make a dent but I do not believe in biting more than you can chew.?

Mr. Joaquin praised his family saying that they keep him balanced.

?I have two great kids and a wonderful wife. Right now I am at a very good place in my life.?

He will begin his new position on April 1.

It is not known as this time who will succeed him as Accountant General.