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Senator Santucci seeks to be an AME Bishop

THE Rev. Dr. Leonard Santucci, Pastor of Heard Chapel AME Church, and formerly Training and Development Director of the Bermuda College, has set the wheels in motion in a quest to be the third Bermudian to become a Bishop of the AME Church.

Delegates attending the 117th Session of the Annual Bermuda Conference endorsed his candidacy.

Significantly, Dr. Santucci (pictured)is an Opposition United Bermuda Party Senator. His nomination as a candidate for the bishopric was proposed by the Rev. Dr. Wilbur Lowe, Jr., a Member of Parliament for the ruling Progressive Labour Party, and seconded by educator Glen Bascome.

Dr. Santucci is also an approved candidate of his party for the next General Election. He is one of the two men who launched the AME Re-Insurance Company, a Bermuda-based consolidated banking and insurance facility for AME Churches.

He says, confidently, that he believes he has gifts, talents and abilities that can be used for the benefit of the growth of the AME denomination as a whole and Christendom in particular.

"I am offering myself for the office of Bishop because at the General Conference in 2004 seven Bishops will retire. At the same time there will be the departure of the remaining non-American-born Bishops.

"Last year we funeralised our beloved Bishop Donald Ming; fellow Bermudian, Bishop Vinton Anderson, Prelate of the 2nd Episcopal District and Guyanese-born Bishop Talbert will be retiring. The fourth non-American Bishop retired in 1996.

"The AME Church is divided over the question that the churches in Africa want African leadership, and the Americans want American leadership. We accept we cannot elect seven American bishops. We must elect non-American-born Bishops to this Holy Office. To that end, there are very few people outside continental US who are viewed as possessing the necessary skills, talents and abilities to give the type of leadership the AME Church requires going forward into this century.

"I consider myself possessed of something worthy of being brought to the table. Those of us who are familiar with our church history know that very few people are elected the first time they aspire to the bishopric. Bishop Anderson was one such person. I know it is possible (for himself), based on my understanding of Scripture and by God's grace and mercy. I would be the first Bermudian to aspire for that office from Bermuda, unlike Bishops Anderson and Ming who did so otherwise."

Dr. Santucci, who was born in Pembroke in February 1964, wanted to dispel the mistaken belief that Bishops had to come from the pastorate of mega churches. His extensive educational achievements include two Doctorates, in Education from St. John's University, New York, and Doctorate in Ministry from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

He gained Diplomas in Management from the American Management Association and Diversity Skills from the National Institute, both of which are associated with the Bermuda College. He was awarded a Master of Science in Education from Indiana University; and Master's of Divinity and Prison Ministry from Acadia Divinity College at Acadia University in Nova Scotia.

Also at Acadia he earned a BA in Sociology and Diploma in Arts and Science from Bermuda College.

He is a graduate of Sandys Secondary School and Purvis Primary School. Senator Santucci has been married to Donna E. Bell-Santucci since 1987. They are parents to sons Kyler and Bell and guardian of Shanna King.