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Spare a gift for our clients urges St. Brendan's

ST. Brendan's Hospital is appealing to island residents to spare a thought ? and a gift ? for its clients this Christmas.

Linda Trott, the hospital's director of volunteer services, will set up a table in selected department stores on odd nights over the next three weeks.

Those who want to donate will be given a suggestion card, then they can buy the gift and bring it back to Ms Trott, who will wrap and label it.

Ms Trott said the practice of donating gifts for St. Brendan's clients has been going on for at least 40 years. And she explained why she believed it necessary.

"Some of the clients don't have any family," Ms Trott said. "And with mental illness, there is sometimes a stigma, so some of them don't communicate with their families.

"They are people too. They are aware of the seasons and they know when it's Christmas. Mental illness can affect anyone at any time, from CEOs to street sweepers. We should all remember that."

This year St. Brendan's is looking for 250 to 300 gifts to help make Christmas a happy time at the hospital.

"The gifts are really appreciated," Ms Trott said. "I remember one client saying, 'Thank you so much, you don't know how much I needed that pair of socks'. Another client burst into tears and said this was the only gift she'd received.

"One man who used to be a client was living on the street. We gave him a gift of a certificate for a barber's shop. He came in one day grinning all over his face and showing us the first haircut he'd had in a long time. It took ten years off him!"

l The St. Brendan's Hospital Volunteer Services table will appear in Marks & Spencer next Monday and on December 10 (5.30 p.m.-8 p.m.); A.S. Cooper on November 26 (4 p.m.-9 p.m.); and Trimingham's main store on November 29 and December 6, 7, and 8 (6 p.m.-9 p.m.). Some of those dates are corporate shopping nights.