Craig spells out benefits of Structural Integration
GRAVITY is the most powerful force acting on our bodies, and yet most of us are rarely conscious of its presence. There is a new school of thought in the island, however, that suggests we should perhaps be more cognisant of the effect it has on our day-to-day living.
Called Structual Integration, it's a hands-on system now being taught at The Health Co-op by Craig Mollins (pictured right).
"The primary message of Structural Integration is that an individual's state of well-being is profoundly affected by the way their body relates with gravity," he explained.
"If balanced, then gravity will support that body. If not, the individual will experience gravity as a burden, and over time a variety of limitations and problems will arise."
The benefits of Structural Integration are numerous. If one imagines walking after twisting one's ankle, Mr. Mollins said, one might notice that the twisted ankle no longer supports that side of the body.
"In order to compensate, your body has to tense up to hold the weight of that side. Without outside help, the body holds onto these postures, eventually recording the original trauma in the connective tissues. And because the connective tissue system works together as a continuous whole, the effects of hardened stuck tissues tend to to spread throughout the body, much like the way a pull in a sweater or a stocking will be visible at a location far away from the original pull.
"Thus any attempt at rebalancing the body involves an intelligent understanding of the entire system and not just focus on localised areas of difficulty." In addition to twists and pulls, regular chronic pain, stiffness, poor posture and impaired movement may all be improved through just ten sessions and, as an added bonus, the body noticeably lengthens, often adding inches in height.
"As the connective tissues let go and lengthen," the 40-year-old instructor explained, "one experiences a sense of lightness and freedom in the body. This is accompanied by an increased range of motion. People gain from half to two inches in height.
"When the body lets go of old hardened postures, people find that emotional tightness and psychological rigidity tend to loosen up as well. As the body becomes more resilient and responsive, the personality becomes more dynamic as energy is freed up for more creative approaches to the challenges that life presents. "Overall, after receiving Structural Integration, individuals report that stress, physical and otherwise becomes a far less threatening element in their lives."
Described as a system of body education which balances one's physical body with the earth's gravitational field, Structural Integration was created by Ida P. Rolf. For 50 years, Dr. Rolf observed, studied, explored and experienced the architecture, energetics and rhythms of human structures, drawing, Mr. Mollins explained, from both western and eastern traditions.
"Her knowledge is synthesised in the wisdom with which the ten sessions harmoniously guide a body thorugh the journey towards balance and freedom. The connective tissues are systematically softened and lengthened, area by area, session by session, until a new, more balanced pattern gradually emerges."
Scientifically validated, Structural Integration has enabled more than one million people to lead more comfortable lives through the many benefits it offers.
Mr. Mollins has been practising Structural Integration since 1995, having received his training at Dr. Rolf's Guild for Structural Integration, under two of her foremost teachers.
"My approach to the work is very patient and gentle," he explained, "putting the client in charge of the level and pace at which the work proceeds. I use my hands, and the sides of my arms to stretch out knots and tension in your connective tissues - those those which wrap around and weave through muscles and wrap around bones and nerves and support organs.
"It's hands-on work which means people are on my table as I work with them and stretch out their tissues as they lie there. (However), in receiving Structural Integration, clients report a wide variety of sensations, at one end of the spectrum there are moments of satisfying relief, as if suddenly letting go of a tremendous burden. At the other end, there is sometimes an experience of painful tension, which is gradually reached.
"It's great to be working at the Health Co-op because Pilates and Structural Integration are very compatible. My teachers would tell us that the best exercise to send our clients for was Pilates since it is also about getting length into the structure."
For more information on Structural Integration or Mr. Mollins, please go to The Health Co-op is located at 82 South Shore Road, Warwick. For an appointment with Mr. Mollins, please call 236-0336.