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Primary students are keen to be green

Friends of the Earth: Heron Bay Primary Eco Club

Young Observer met up with the Heron Bay Eco Club last week. The students have just completed a waste audit at their school and are now composting throughout the school in preparation for starting a garden.

Abbie Caldas of Greenrock told us: “Heron Bay Eco Club has been going strong under the energetic and committed leadership of Ms Soares-Chan.

“When students conducted their first waste audit they thought a recycling initiative might reduce the amount of trash but after analysing what most of the waste was, they realised a paper-reduction campaign and composting system would have a bigger impact.

“They encouraged double-sided printing and made booklets from single-sided printed paper. That’s the order it should go: reduce first, then reuse, and finally recycle.

“Composting is fun as they will see the results of their effort when they’re ready to start a garden and they have beautiful, rich soil readily available. I was pleased to see them showcase their commitment to composting at Earth Hour and hopefully spark the interest of their fellow walkers.”

Being green: Abbie Caldas of Greenrock assists Heron Bay Eco Club with their waste audit
Eco-friendly efforts: Heron Bay Eco Club conducting their waste audit