Tourist booking service relocates
An island tourist booking service is on the move to a new and bigger booth in Dockyard.
Island Tour Centre’s booth near the ferry terminal at the former Royal Navy base has been a familiar site for around five years.
But the company, headquartered at Albuoys Point in Hamilton, is not moving far, for the new booth will be located just inside the cruise ship terminal gates near the Dockyard water sports centre.
Island Tour Centre manager Michelle Conklan said: “The new booth is a little bigger and we will have more meeting room for all of our guests.”
Ms Conklan added that her team were bracing themselves for a busy season, with a cruise ship due to call on Monday.
She said: “We are hopeful — we’re more excited with the America’s Cup coming in 2017.
“We expect the lead-up to that to be good and we have a pretty robust cruise ship schedule this year.”
The firm acts as a central booking agent for more than 20 tourism-themed attractions across the island, including whale-watching trips, which will run to the end of April.
Ms Conklan said: “Businesses with us don’t need to man a station because we do it for them.
“And we cover a variety of activities, from water sports to horseback riding.”