Supermart starts selling lionfish
Lionfish is on the menu after it was found on the shelves of a Hamilton supermarket.
The Supermart on Front Street started selling the fresh fish after a recreational fisherman brought it to their butcher’s counter as an innovative approach to combating the growing lionfish population.
Of course, supply is limited to the fishermen’s catch and Alex Hooper, general manager at the store, said the first 25lb of fish sold out in one day.
Displayed whole, they can fillet the colourful fish upon request — stripped of its poisonous barbs and fins, the flesh will be ready to cook.
Mr Hooper likened the flavour to that of “a mild snapper”, with a firm texture that is “ideal for pan-frying”.
He told The Royal Gazette: “It is something I would like to push, but unfortunately they don’t catch enough of them on a regular basis.
“It’s a recreational hobby, so there’s no full-time lionfish hunters.
“We’re limited to when they can get out there — when they can put gas in their boats.”