Why is PLP so set on ruining island and creating division?
Dear Sir,
I would like to express my dismay at the way the Opposition is presenting itself.
It seems to offer an argument based only on opposing whatever the One Bermuda Alliance proposes, with no solutions to the problem — just fiery rhetoric. I appreciate that we need a good opposition, but one who conducts itself in an appropriate and respectful manner, thus setting an example for the people of Bermuda.
Surely, we should be trying to rebuild our island after the mess the Progressive Labour Party left.
But that now all seems to be forgotten, as the PLP has very cleverly orchestrated the discourse so as to ensure that the OBA now takes full ownership for its mistakes and the tremendous debt that the PLP created.
The latest fiasco is the “Pathway To Status”. If you have been in a country for 20-plus years, why would you not be able to get citizenship? Setting aside for a moment the human rights issues, it is just the right thing to do.
I have a Jamaican grandson, so my wife and I visit Jamaica often. Bermuda could learn a lot from this wonderful, multicultural island — the slogan for the national anthem is: “Out of many, we are one”.
Surely, this has to be the most healthy approach: to have people from all walks of life, which brings diversity and makes for a stronger country.
Bermuda is such a wonderful place; if it wasn’t for the horrendous, political rantings. I would liken it to the sad state of the presidential race in the United States.
I wonder if the PLP really does care for the people of Bermuda. If it did, surely it would be creating a more bipartisan approach, where it would be helping to create jobs and not pulling workers off work. LaVerne Furbert states on Facebook, as mentioned in The Royal Gazette on March 11, “Remember one thing, people: there is no law against you calling in sick for one day.”
Remember, businesses still have to pay the worker. This is an added cost to all businesses that they can ill afford.
One has to ask the question why is it that the PLP is so set on not only ruining Bermuda, but continuing to play the race card over and over again to create division. I know there are people in our wonderful island who are suffering, but to help them and the rest of Bermuda, we need to come together with a common goal to rebuild this island.
The Government is faced with some very difficult decisions because as a country, we have to comply with our local laws and international law as well.
We must as a people come together, discuss our differences and then vote. That is why we have a parliament of elected officials to do just that. If we don’t allow this process to take place, all we are left with is anarchy.
Hoping for a better Bermuda where out of many we can become one.