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Help offered to develop business ideas

Concept to launch: Startup Weekend is aimed at helping would-be entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality

A programme aimed at promoting new business start-ups is to take place this weekend.

The Startup Weekend is designed to help teams take new business ideas from concept to launch.

Expert coaches from Bermudian businesses will be available to help participants draw up their plans and test their ideas.

The international Startup Weekend programme is described as a non-profit, community-building event.

Ethan Bagley, of Startup California, will attend the three-day event as a facilitator.

The event, which runs from Friday to Sunday at Pier 6 in Hamilton, will end with presentations by participants to the judges, who will pick the top three business ideas.

More information can be found at www.inspirebusiness.bm, e-mail e-commerce@gov.bm or call 292 5570.

Participants can also buy tickets at the website and organisers said there are still some sponsored spaces available.