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Today in History

Today is Monday, May 31, the 151st day of 2010. There are 214 days left in the year.On this dateIn 1902, the Treaty of Vereeniging was signed in Pretoria, ending the Boer War between settlers of British and Dutch origin in what later became South Africa.

Today is Monday, May 31, the 151st day of 2010. There are 214 days left in the year.

On this date

In 1902, the Treaty of Vereeniging was signed in Pretoria, ending the Boer War between settlers of British and Dutch origin in what later became South Africa.

In 1910, the Union of South Africa was founded.

In 1961, South Africa became an independent republic.

Thought for Today

"The genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures, nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges, or churches, or parlours, nor even in its newspapers or inventors, but always most in the common people." — Walt Whitman (1819-1892).