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Brothers of Bermuda launched

Brothers of Bermuda launch at Cathedral. (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Brothers of Bermuda, a men’s group seeking to grow into a worldwide initiative, was launched this afternoon with a salute to the head boys and deputy head boys at the island’s senior schools.

The group, aimed at linking together men to volunteer, mentor and support one another, is now meeting regularly and plans to hold a banquet honouring more of Bermuda’s great men in April.

Rollin Nathan, a founding member, said the driving purpose behind Brothers of Bermuda was the need to address the “serious shortage” of men, who are “often the least recognised group in the country”.

The group will help men with diverse needs ranging from family life to jobs and health, and also is in need of volunteers to pitch in, Mr Nathan said.

This afternoon’s launch at the Anglican Cathedral was attended by Governor George Fergusson and Michael Dunkley, both of whom were made honorary brothers.

To learn more about the group or take part, e-mail rollin.nathan@gmail.com.