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Church burglar jailed by judge

spend the next two years behind bars.After mulling the fate overnight of 30-year-old career criminal Richard Michael Dill, Chief Justice Austin Ward on Friday said despite "strong'' arguments from Dill's lawyer Elizabeth Christopher for probation rather than prison,

spend the next two years behind bars.

After mulling the fate overnight of 30-year-old career criminal Richard Michael Dill, Chief Justice Austin Ward on Friday said despite "strong'' arguments from Dill's lawyer Elizabeth Christopher for probation rather than prison, the public had to be protected.

On Thursday, Dill pleaded guilty to breaking and entering St. Paul's AME and St. Andrew's Presbyterian churches both of Hamilton, the Salvation Army in Sandys Parish, Faith Tabernacle in Dockyard, and the Sandys New Testament Church of God.

The offences occurred between March 8 and 19. Dill also admitted stealing a bottle of vodka from the Hamilton MarketPlace on March 8.

Mr. Justice Ward sentenced Dill to five concurrent two-year prison sentences for the church breaking offences -- which netted him a microwave, stereo equipment, and some cash -- and a six-month prison term for stealing the vodka.

Time spent in custody since his arrest in March will be taken into account.

Mr. Justice Ward said Dill had been on probation three times since 1991 and had violated each time with convictions for dishonesty offences.

"Ms Christopher argued strongly in favour of probation,'' Mr. Justice Ward said. "But in my judgment the problems are too deep seated for that.'' He added: "Keep in mind that the courts have a duty to protect the public.

And the programme the Salvation Army has does not provide the necessary protection.'' As part of his sentence, Dill must receive treatment for his drug addictions and emotional problems.

Ms Christopher had argued that Dill chose the churches to avoid the possibility of confrontation and a potential charge of robbery.

Prosecutor Larry Mussenden represented the Crown.