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Police investigate break-ins

He told Police he went to bed just after midnight and placed his $5,000 Rolex watch on a bedside table. When he wakened on Tuesday morning he noticed the watch -- as well as a quantity of cash --

overnight Monday.

He told Police he went to bed just after midnight and placed his $5,000 Rolex watch on a bedside table. When he wakened on Tuesday morning he noticed the watch -- as well as a quantity of cash -- was missing.

Police are also investigating a report of break-in at Devonshire home, also believed to have occurred over Monday night.

A 28-year-old High Point Lane resident told Police she discovered the break-in when she returned home from an overseas trip.

A neighbour -- who had been keeping an eye on the property -- reported she noticed Tuesday afternoon a blind had been opened, but didn't think anything of it.

When the owner returned she discovered someone had made off with her microwave oven, 30 compact discs, and a large amount of costume and gold jewellery.

Police were given the names of several suspects and, following initial investigations, three men were arrested and detained at the Hamilton Police station. Investigations are continuing.