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Railway Trial gets a tidy up

Many hands: Some of the volunteers who helped Keep Bermuda Beautiful (KBB) with a clean-up along the Railway Trail in Southampton at the weekend.

The Railway Trail in Southampton got a welcome clean-up over the weekend, with volunteers joining Keep Bermuda Beautiful (KBB).Trash including an engine, old windows, a microwave, a television and a kitchen sink were hauled away by a KBB team with the Fairmont Southampton Hotel’s Green Team, as well as the Catholic Diocese.A total of 79 people joined together on Saturday to haul 81 bags of garbage and 60 bags of recyclables from a stretch of the trail running from Camp Hill to St. Anne’s Road.KBB executive director Anne Hyde called it “a trouble spot for people dumping large items of trash”.Fairmont employees spruced the trail between the hotel’s property and Riviera Crescent.